Open Access

Reengineering of production processes and its impact on the financial situation and business performance of the company


Fig. 1

Process map before reengineering
Process map before reengineering

Fig. 2

Process map after reengineering
Process map after reengineering

Fig. 3

Maturity of receivables and payables
Maturity of receivables and payables

Fig. 4

Development of profitability indicators
Development of profitability indicators

Cash-flow indicators

CASH FLOW INDICATORS [€]2015201620172018
Operating Cash-Flow−73 272.00179 586.4565 968.7954 562.31
Cash-Flow from investment activities42 104.36449 178.387 594.8013 604.33
Cash-Flow from financial activities46 120.45519 247.68− 30 752.4864 534.17
Total-Cash Flow14 952.811 148 012.5142 811.11132 700.81

EVA indicator, net working capital and cost of foreign capital

EVA INDICATOR [€]2015201620172018
Net operating profit after tax NOPAT9 402.7712 380.5913 189.219 933.77
Net working capital565 865.00643 429.00739 108.00678 921.00
Net Operating Assets NOA1 395 870.001 187 149.001 340 456.001 320 861.00
Cost of foreign capital3.603.693.603.59
Weighted Average Cost of Capital WACC0.410.421.020.66
EVA3 676.007 558.00−508.001 281.00

Six phases of the Hammer and Champy methodology

Introduction into business reengineeringThe “case for action” is a description of the organisation’s business problem and current situation; it justifies the need for change. The “vision statement” describes how the organisation is going to operate and outlines the kind of results it must achieve. The top management should inform other employees about the visions
Identification of business processesIn this step, the most important business processes are identified and are described from a global perspective using a set of process maps. Process maps give a picture of the workflows through the company. The output of this phase is a number of process maps reflecting how these high-level processes interact within the company and in relation to the outside world
Selection of business processesCandidates for reengineering are the most problematic processes, those with great impact on customers, processes with more chances to be successfully re-engineered or processes that contribute to the organisation’s objectives. According to an organisation’s strategic objectives, more criteria could be defined for selecting processes for redesign, such as increased customer value
Understanding of selected business processThe reengineering team needs to gain a better understanding of the existing selected processes. The objective is the provision of a high-level view of the process under consideration, for the team members to have the intuition and insight required to create a totally new and superior design
Redesign of the selected business processesThis is the most creative phase of the methodology because new rules and new ways of work should be invented. Imagination and inductive thinking should characterise this phase. Redesigning a process is not algorithmic or routine
Implementation of redesigned business processesThe last phase covers the implementation phase of the BPR project. Hammer and Champy believe that the success of the implementation depends on whether the five previous phases have been properly performed

Comparison of selected process reengineering methods

Project preparationIntroduction to reengineeringVision and goalsPreparation of projectInitiation of a project
Identification of business processesIdentification of business processesIdentification of project
Choosing business processes for reengineering
Process reconstructionKnowledge of selected business processesKnowledge and measurement of processesVisionKnowledge of processes
Redesign of selected business processesInformation technologiesRedesign- technical- personnelDesign of new processes
ImplementationImplementation of new business processesPrototyping processesTransformationTransformation of the business
Implementation processesChange management

Profitability ratios

Return on assets ROA1.361.241.172.26
Return on equity ROE17.8017.488.1143.73
Return on net assets RONA0.630.840.820.71
Return on share capital ROSC1.361.121.101.76
Return on sales ROS1.070.720.781.31

Activity indicators

Total Assets Turnover [year]1.041.391.221.40
Inventory turnover [days]223.30224.70245.30254.40

Debt indicators

DEBT INDICATORS2015201620172018
Degree of self-financing4.104.037.662.29
Total indebtedness95.9095.9792.3597.71
Financial leverage16.1017.368.5223.89