
Figure 1:

Map of the Accra Metropolitan Area showing the study BeachesSource: University of Cape Coast GIS Unit, 2021.
Map of the Accra Metropolitan Area showing the study BeachesSource: University of Cape Coast GIS Unit, 2021.

Figure 2:

Guinea Mensah Beach, GhanaSource: Authors' Fieldwork
Guinea Mensah Beach, GhanaSource: Authors' Fieldwork

Figure 3:

Korle Gonno Beach, GhanaSource: Authors' Fieldwork
Korle Gonno Beach, GhanaSource: Authors' Fieldwork

Figure 4:

Beach users' Purpose of visit
Beach users' Purpose of visit

Figure 5:

Korle Gonno Beach Environment
Korle Gonno Beach Environment

Figure 6:

Guinea Mensah Beach Environment
Guinea Mensah Beach Environment

Perceived pollution at the beaches

Statement % In Agreement Mean SD
Plastics/rubber/butts at the beach 86.7 4.35 0.98
Material liquids and waste items at the beach 52.4 3.52 1.19
Dead birds/fish/wildlife at the beach 50.8 3.43 1.29
Human/animal excreta/faeces at the beach 31.0 2.99 1.16
Ideal beach sand colour changed 60.9 3.68 1.02
Ideal beach water colour changed 71.8 3.92 1.04
Pesticides/insecticide packs and sachets 50.8 3.42 1.27
Smell and some odour in the beach area 69.0 4.21 1.03
Moving debris and rubble in beach water 84.9 3.78 1.11
Pieces of clothes and undergarments 31.5 2.98 1.17
Loss of ideal hygienic/clean beach are 78.0 4.00 1.10
Beach/marine litter/trash cans around the beach 79.3 4.10 0.98
Murky and dirty scenery 75.7 3.94 1.04
Threads, ropes, wires, inks and electric cables 73.2 3.67 1.17
Glasses and ceramic fragments 72.3 3.59 1.02
Pieces of wood, cardboard 64.6 3.41 1.26
Poor handling of beach waste 79.3 4.07 1.04
Total scores 65.4 3.71 1.11

Structural dimensions factors of beach user recreational experiences

Factors Factor Loading Eigenvalue Variance Explained (%) Cronbach's alpha
I Practical (escapist) Experience 8.54 47.31 0.914
The cleanliness of this beach for leisure activities fascinates me 0.824
The beach features motivated me to engage in beach activities 0.818
This beach's condition was emotionally reviving for me 0.742
This beach provided me with a good sense of inner harmony 0.735
I won't switch up this beach's recreational opportunities for any others 0.685
I felt at ease/comfortable using this beach for various activities 0.651
The beach persistently inspired me to use it 0.649
This beach became especially appealing to me for my beach activities 0.579
II Exciting (Excitement) Experience 2.52 13.98 0.881
I had a great time with all the fun activities on a beautiful beach 0.809
Participating in many activities on this beach makes me cheerful 0.790
I got nonstop affection for this beach and its recreational offerings 0.746
I love how inviting this beach is 0.743
I'm in awe of how great this beach is for a variety of activities 0.628
I had unique leisure opportunities on this beach 0.598
I felt serene/relieved of built-up mental pressure here on this beach 0.573
III Aesthetic Experience 1.22 6.67 0.902
I'm happy to be here on this beautiful beach 0.933
I enjoyed the pleasure of visiting a beach like this 0.918
My enthusiasm for using this beach for my activities is high 0.881
Overall variance explained 67.96

Respondents' socio-demographic characteristics

Variables Frequency Percentage
  Male 129 41.7
  Female 180 58.3
  <25 112 36.2
  26–34 124 40.1
  35> 73 23.7
Educational level
  High school 48 15.5
  Tertiary 261 84.5
Marital status
  Single 244 79.0
  Ever-married 65 21.0
  Domestic 223 72.2
  International 86 27.8
Continent of origin
  Africa 237 76.7
  Europe 45 14.6
  North America 20 6.5
  Australasia 7 2.3

Recreational experience by socio-demographic characteristics

Recreational Experience (%)
Socio-demographics N Practical Exciting Aesthetic
  Male 129 2.13 2.60 1.41
  Female 180 2.15 2.43 1.50
t=−2.29, df=2, p=0.767 t=2.74, df=2, p =0.006* t=−1.15, df=2, P=0.247
  High school 48 2.08 2.63 1.34
  Tertiary 261 2.15 2.48 1.48
t=−0.73, df=2, p=0.465 t=1.79, df=2, p=0.074 t=−1.39, df=2, p=0.164
  Domestic 223 1.97 2.55 1.46
  International 86 2.21 2.48 1.46
t=−0.73, df=2, p =0.002* t=1.02, df=2, p=0.305 t=−0.08, df=2, p=0.935
Marital status
  Single 244 2.55 2.49 1.46
  Ever married 65 1.84 2.54 1.48
t=4.52, df=2 p=0.000* t=−0.60, df=2 p=0. 548 t=−0.22, df=2 P=0.821
  <25 122 2.13 2.39 1.48
  26–34 124 2.20 2.59 1.46
  36+ 73 2.05 2.53 1.42
F=141, df=3 p=0.244 F=4.30, df=3, p=0.014* F=0.18, df=3 p=0.831
  Africa 237 2.17 2.47 1.47
  Europe 45 2.10 2.63 1.35
  North America 20 1.74 2.43 1.46
  Australasia 7 2.54 2.85 1.76
F=3.72, df=3, p=0.012* F=2.10, df=3 p=0.099 F=0.96, df=3, p=0.409

Recreational Experience of Beach Users

Experience statement Percentage in agreement Mean Std. deviation
I'm happy to be here on this beautiful beach 11.7 2.22 0.98
I enjoyed the pleasure of visiting a beach like this 13.6 2.22 0.98
My enthusiasm for using this beach for my activities is high 16.2 2.47 1.00
Participating in many activities on this beach makes me cheerful 67.3 3.69 0.96
I had a great time with all the fun activities on this beach 68.6 3.70 0.93
I felt at ease/comfortable using this beach for various activities 44.7 3.28 1.09
On this beautiful beach, I'm filled with joy 27.9 2.79 1,02
Total Score 35.7 2.91 0.99
Experiential affection
I got nonstop affection for this beach and its recreational offerings. 38.9 3.06 1.06
I had unique leisure opportunities on this beach 51.1 3.40 1.02
This beach became especially appealing to me for my beach activities. 73.1 3.77 0.88
I won't switch up this beach's recreational opportunities for any others. 25.2 2.84 1.02
This beach remains my ideal destination to visit 25.1 3.02 1.10
Total score 42.7 3.28 1.01
I love how inviting this beach is 62.1 3.60 0.94
The cleanliness of this beach for leisure activities fascinates me. 30.1 2.75 1.16
The beach persistently inspired me to use it 51.8 3.06 0.94
I'm in awe of how great this beach is for a variety of activities 52.3 3.10 0.96
The beach features motivated me to engage in beach activities 39.3 2.83 1.02
This beach's scenery is merely admirable. 32.1 2.07 1.06
Total score 44.1 2.90 1.01
Rest and relaxation
I felt serene/relieved of built-up mental pressure here on this beach 69.3 3.75 1.01
This beach's condition was emotionally reviving for me. 59.2 3.51 1.03
This beach provided a good sense of inner harmony 55.0 3.47 1.04
There are ideal places for rest here on this beach 69.3 3.76 1.00
Total score 63.2 3.62 1.02