
This paper explores the phenomenon of populism and its impact on the democratic processes in Albania. The spread of populism represents one of the most acute challenges to Albanian democracy. To understand the dynamics of populist strategies and behavior, it is crucial to analyze the relationship between populism and the media, and to discuss the phenomenon of “media populism”. More than two decades after the transition from communism, democracy in Albania remains fragile. Freedom House labels Albania ‘transitional or hybrid regime’ and international organizations have expressed concern about the progress of Albania. Populism, characterized by its appeal to the emotions and grievances of the people, has gained prominence in recent years, posing significant challenges to the stability and development of democratic institutions in Albania. Through an examination of the historical and socio-political context of Albania, this paper analyzes the rise of populism, its consequences for democracy, and proposes potential strategies to mitigate its negative effects. Drawing upon scholarly research and case studies, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of populism’s influence on Albania’s democracy and suggest actionable recommendations for safeguarding democratic values and institutions.

Publication timeframe:
3 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Law, other, Linguistics and Semiotics, Semiotics, Social Sciences, Political Science, Education