Open Access

Management of Occupational Risk Analysis of Employees Recovered from COVID-19 Pandemic – An Individual Case Analysis

   | Jun 20, 2021


In accordance with the applicable law, an employer cares for safe and hygienic working conditions. An occupational risk analysis isone of the elements determining the level of safety. The risks that may significantly contribute to the damage are identified through the activities related to the risk assessment. The role of an employer is to counteract these threats. The COVID-19 pandemic has had many negative consequences for the functioning of enterprises and the health and safety at work. The subject of the paper is to update the occupational risk among selected employees after the COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on the work environment, an employee is exposed to various types of risks that significantly affect not only health and safety, but also comfort, quality and work efficiency. COVID-19 causes various negative consequences, so it is important for the employer to monitor the employee’s return process after the infection for a long time (approximately 2 months). Adjusting working conditions and temporarily reducing work intensity (expectations and work results) relatively increase the possibility of recovery and a faster return to full productivity.