Open Access

Smoking and Redistillation Effect in Theory and Experiments / Verrauchung und Redestillation in Theorie und Versuchen

   | May 28, 2014


Three experiments are described to learn, if there is any redistillation effect or not. These experiments established that this is true.

Then a short introduction is given of adsorption laws with regard to tobacco aerosol sucked through a filter, i. e. through tobacco in the butt.

In the following the smoking process is investigated. Beginning we assume for simplicity the case of no redistillation (R = 0):

•mI denotes the aerosol mass precipitated on the tobacco in the butt and which is destroyed by the advancing smouldering zone in section I, i. e. in the ash.

•mII denotes the aerosol mass precipitated in section II, i. e. in the butt.

•mIII denotes the aerosol mass leaving the cigarette.

Tobacco aerosol distribution in section I and II and mass of mIII are given as a function of the smouldering zone's progress. The tables are calculated using the adsorption constant k = 0.0689, this being found for a particular brand of cigarette by experiment.

Then we investigate the other extreme, i. e. the total redistillation (R = 1). An additional mass of volatile tobacco aerosol is generated in the smouldering zone, not through combustion of the tobacco but through redistillation of the precipitated aerosol. Results are obtained by integration and also by an algebraic method using a calculating machine.

Finally further tables are given for partial redistillation effect (R = 0.25; 0.50; 0.75). The experimental part demonstrates that for the special cigarette brand investigated it is found

R = 0.45 for tobacco aerosol and R = 0.72 for phenols.

R = 0.45 means: The aerosol precipitated during smoking on the butt's tobacco by the advancing smouldering zone is partly destroyed (55 %) and partly redistilled (45 %).

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
General Interest, Life Sciences, other, Physics