Open Access

Margini Și Repere Metafizice în Poezia Blagiană

   | Feb 01, 2023


The aim of the present study is to follow how certain theoretical ideas related to the concept of “limit” are transposed in Lucian Blaga’s poetry. The poet’s obsession with metaphysical destruction is well-known. Rationalism destroys the mystery, meaning that it puts limits on the process of intentional and assumed Luciferian knowledge. The poet uses an archaic imaginary to place things in the universality, to go beyond what the human being can perceive. To sum up, the idea I want to demonstrate is that there are several types of limits in Lucian Blaga’s poetry, which will be analyzed, looking at some poems. I have referred to the volumes „Poemele luminii”, „Pașii profetului”, „În marea trecere”, „Lauda somnului”, „Corăbii cu cenușă”, „Cântecul focului”, „Ce aude unicornul” and „Ultimele poezii”.
