Open Access

Boundaries of management performance measures (MPMs) disclosed in primary financial statements prepared in accordance with new standard planned to supersede IAS 1


Figure 1.

Scope of Management Performance MeasuresSource: (IFRS Accounting, 2023, July)
Scope of Management Performance MeasuresSource: (IFRS Accounting, 2023, July)

Figure 2.

Rebuttable Presumption for the Definition of MPMSource: EFRAG, 2022, September
Rebuttable Presumption for the Definition of MPMSource: EFRAG, 2022, September

Figure 3.

Required Disclosures Regarding MPMSource: Own elaboration based on FASB IASB Joint Educational Meeting (2022, September)
Required Disclosures Regarding MPMSource: Own elaboration based on FASB IASB Joint Educational Meeting (2022, September)

Figure 4.

Reconciliation of the MPMSource: Own elaboration based on FASB IASB Joint Educational Meeting (2022, September)
Reconciliation of the MPMSource: Own elaboration based on FASB IASB Joint Educational Meeting (2022, September)

Figure 5.

Changes in Classification Between IAS 1 and IFRS XSource: Own elaboration
Changes in Classification Between IAS 1 and IFRS XSource: Own elaboration

Tax Rates Applicable to the Company for 2020–2022

Year 2022 2021 2020
Nominal tax rate 19% 19% 19%
Effective tax rate before applying tax exemption 14% 21% 20%
Effective tax rate after applying tax exemption 5% 11% 9%

Statement of Financial Performance for 2020–2022 in Accordance With IAS 1

Year (amounts in PLN) 2022 2021 2020
Revenue from the sale of goods 22,132,991 16,381,185 11,589,068
Cost of goods sold −15,447,701 −11,298,542 −8,178,590
Gross profit 6,685,290 5,082,644 3,410,478
Other income 410,245 201,756 414,358
Selling expenses −1,701,360 −1,192,527 −914,645
General and administrative expenses −2,554,044 −2,208,843 −1,738,436
Other expenses −453,009 −399,870 −514,536
Finance costs −8,058 −10,119 −153
Profit before tax 2,379,064 1,473,041 657,067
Income tax expense 128,469 154,669 57,164
Profit for the year from continuing operations 2,250,595 1,318,372 599,903
Loss for the year from continuing operations 0 0 0
Profit for the year 2,250,595 1,318,372 599,903

Reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA and EBIT

2022 2021 2020
Adjusted EBITDA 3,284,290 Tax effect 2,211,128 Tax effect 1,094,873 Tax effect
- depreciation and amortisation −576,849 −31,150 −432,542 −45,417 −387,866 −33,744
Adjusted EBIT 2,707,441 1,778,586 707,008
- Internal group costs −352,095 −19,013 −320,195 −33,620 −386,420 −33,618
- incidental incomes 46,518 2,512 22,741 2,388 0 0
- incidental expenses −14,743 −796 −5,210 −547 −7,500 −653
- incidental cost reduction 0 0 0 0 344,132 29,939
Profit before financing and income tax 2,387,122 1,475,922 657,220

Reconciliation of Adjusted Profit Before Financing and Income Tax

2022 2021 2020
Adjusted profit before financing and income tax 2,351,122 Tax effect 1,447,922 Tax effect 657,220 Tax effect
- interests received from loan 30,000 1,620 25,000 2,625 -
- exchange rates gain/loss from interests 6,000 324 3,000 315 -
Profit before financing and income tax 2,387,122 1,475,922 657,220

Transformed Statement of Financial Performance for 2020–2022 in Accordance With IFRS X

Year (amounts in PLN) 2022 2021 2020
Revenue from the sale of goods 22,132,991 16,381,185 11,589,068
Cost of goods sold −15,447,701 −11,298,542 −8,178,590
Gross profit 6,685,290 5,082,644 3,410,478
Other income 265,245 102,756 376,358
Selling expenses −1,701,360 −1,192,527 −914,645
General and administrative expenses −2,554,044 −2,208,843 −1,738,436
Other operating expenses −444,009 −401,108 −510,036
Operating profit 2,251,122 1,382,922 623,720
Investment income 145,000 99,000 38,000
Investment costs −9,000 −6,000 −4,500
Profit before financing and income tax 2,387,122 1,475,922 657,220
Finance income 0 0 0
Finance costs −8,058 −2,882 −153
Profit before tax 2,379,064 1,473,041 657,067
Income tax expense 128,469 154,669 57,164
Profit for the year from continuing operations 2,250,595 1,318,372 599,903
Loss for the year from continuing operations 0 0 0
Profit for the year 2,250,595 1,318,372 599,903

List of Incidental Income and Expenses in Company A for 2020–2022

Items 2022 2021 2020
Incidental income Settlement with a customer over a dispute Insurance compensation for a car broken in an accident
Incidental expense Cost of cancelled orders already prepared which could not be sold to another customer Costs of repair of car broken in an accident Donation to fund masks for a hospital (COVID pandemic)

Reconciliation of Adjusted Gross Profit

2022 2021 2020
Adjusted Gross Profit 6,685,290 Tax effect 5,082,644 Tax effect 3,210,792 Tax effect
- incidental cost reduction 0 0 0 0 199,686 17,373
Gross Profit 6,685,290 5,082,644 3,410,478