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Towards a better understanding of self-selection to teacher training programmes: A case study of a renowned public university in Poland


Figure 1.

Predicted probability of completing concurrent and consecutive teacher training, by percentile of the average Matura rank outcome and by percentiles of achievements during the first year at UW
Predicted probability of completing concurrent and consecutive teacher training, by percentile of the average Matura rank outcome and by percentiles of achievements during the first year at UW

Figure 2.

Predicted probability of completing consecutive teacher training, by field of studies, and by decile of Matura outcome/first-year achievements
Predicted probability of completing consecutive teacher training, by field of studies, and by decile of Matura outcome/first-year achievements

Predicted probabilities of completing teacher training

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Variable Categories Concurrent mode Consecutive mode STEM Human Foreign languages Social sciences
Male 0.47% 8.42% 9.43% 9.80% 22.26% 0.57%
Female 4.54% 11.56% 13.81% 13.63% 25.18% 1.20%
Social stipend
Yes 4.30% 13.21% 15.29% 15.88% 28.76% 1.06%
No 3.32% 10.46% 11.61% 12.20% 24.13% 1.03%
Number of Matura subjects taken at advanced level
1 4.89% 9.98% 15.32% 15.41% 19.37% 0.39%
3 2.84% 11.08% 11.44% 12.1% 25.41% 1.06%
5 1.61% 12.27% 8.33% 9.23% 32.27% 2.46%
Mode of university programme
full-time 4.49% 11.32% 12.57% 13.50% 25.83% 0.97%
part-time (evening) 0.04% 5.20% 10.39% 18.90% 8.18% 1.69%
part-time 3.54% 6.20% 1.93% 6.37% 15.64% 1.16%
Population of hometown
5,000 4.82% 9.77% 11.78% 18.73% 19.07% 1.07%
500,000 3.32% 11.08% 12.45% 12.20% 25.59% 1.03%
Unemployment rate in hometown
mean − 1 std. dev. 3.58% 10.53% 10.71% 12.75% 25.19% 0.95%
mean + 1 std. dev. 3.39% 11.19% 13.62% 13.00% 24.44% 1.12%
MA - 15.20% 17.20% 16.82% 34.38% 1.12%
BA - 6.67% 5.56% 8.56% 16.49% 0.84%
Erasmus experience
Yes - 10.55% 10.41% 6.30% 25.72% 0.99%
No - 11.00% 12.65% 13.70% 24.31% 1.06%

Logit regression outcomes: concurrent versus consecutive mode of teacher training

(1) (2)
Concurrent Consecutive
Gender (f) 2.374*** 0.462***
(0.148) (0.0675)
While in secondary school
General sec. (vs. vocational) 0.578*** 0.666
(0.170) (0.355)
Matura outcome 12.54*** −4.234**
(1.358) (1.474)
Matura^2 −14.24*** 4.371***
(1.109) (1.045)
N of subjects at advanced level −0.303*** 0.0785**
(0.0311) (0.0282)
Log_hometown population −0.094*** 0.0422
(0.0318) (0.0421)
Unemployment in hometown −0.0306 0.0454
(0.0474) (0.0424)
Local revenues in hometown 0.112* −0.187*
(0.0568) (0.0946)
While at the university
Starting on time_ 0.687*** −0.688***
(0.170) (0.140)
1st year achievements 5.924***
1st year achievements^2 −6.513***
Social stipend 0.293*** 0.361***
(0.0752) (0.0667)
Evening mode −4.793*** −1.072***
(0.579) (0.213)
Part-time mode −0.267*** −0.845***
(0.0799) (0.140)
MA (vs. BA) −0.226*** 1.199***
(0.0651) (0.0647)
Erasmus experience −0.0638
constant −6.132*** −6.380***
(0.786) (0.972)
Pseudo r2 0.195 0.311
N 39779 23336

Descriptive statistics (mean, sd) for continuous variables

Independent variables Full sample Of which: Restricted sample Of which
Pedagogy STEM Humanities Foreign languages Social Sciences
Hometown population* 874,298 (805,313) 793,140 (820,562) 886,023 (802,214) 875,805 (797,393) 901,727 (809,809) 855,417 (801,783) 908,130 (802,173)
Hometown revenues per capita (PLN) †† 3,541 (1,826) 3,393 (2,124) 3,578 (1,834) 3590 (1766) 3589 (1810) 3508 (1961) 3613 (1797)
Hometown unemployment (%)†† 7.99 (5.85) 8.45 (5.94) 7.892085 (5.84) 7.90 (5.74) 7.86 (5.91) 8.11 (5.96) 7.74 (5.78)
Matura subjects at advanced level 2.61 (1.05) 2.08 (1.08) 2.67 (1.01) 2.71 (0.87) 2.53 (0.98) 2.71 (0.98) 2.68 (1.11)
Matura outcome (Si sec) ††† 0.727 (0.152) .609 (.140) .737 (0.146) 0.768 (0.136) .0723 (0.139) 0.754 (0.139) 0.712 (0.156)
Achievements at UW (Si univ) †††† 0.557 (0.115) .525 (0.095) .559 (0.114) (0.576) (0.130) (0.546) (0.120) 0.564 (0.114) (0.549) (0.096)

Logit regression outcomes by field: consecutive mode of teacher training

(1) (2) (3) (4)
STEM Humanities Foreign languages Social sciences
Gender (f) 0.540*** 0.411* 0.229* 0.874*
(0.116) (0.164) (0.110) (0.370)
While in secondary school
General secondary (vs. vocational) −0.0238 1.279 0.950 0
(0.582) (0.759) (0.648) (.)
Matura outcome 6.506 0.290 −8.758*** −2.727
(3.473) (3.121) (2.174) (8.127)
Matura^2 −6.053* −0.0324 8.889*** 3.100
(2.503) (2.287) (1.524) (5.629)
N of subjects at advanced level −0.216** −0.161* 0.242*** 0.550***
(0.0696) (0.0645) (0.0402) (0.148)
Log hometown population 0.0182 −0.127 0.119* −0.0114
(0.0938) (0.0964) (0.0602) (0.225)
Unemployment in hometown 0.172* 0.0111 −0.0288 0.0976
(0.0843) (0.0943) (0.0653) (0.245)
Local revenues in hometown −0.194 0.0285 −0.191 −0.0481
(0.208) (0.214) (0.138) (0.535)
While at the university
Starting on time −0.167 −0.700* −1.042*** −1.414*
(0.307) (0.308) (0.215) (0.700)
1st year achievements 5.752 −6.753* 11.45*** 21.00
(3.409) (2.928) (2.457) (12.81)
1st year achievements^2 −2.920 6.437* −13.48*** −17.03
(2.903) (2.670) (2.214) (10.82)
Social stipend 0.410*** 0.340* 0.345** 0.0373
(0.123) (0.143) (0.106) (0.449)
Evening mode −0.274 0.453 −1.771*** 0.679
(1.054) (0.393) (0.370) (0.471)
Part-time mode −2.310** −0.904*** −0.856*** 1.016
(0.746) (0.258) (0.198) (0.632)
MA (vs. BA) 1.487*** 0.827*** 1.365*** 0.341
(0.150) (0.145) (0.0934) (0.388)
Erasmus experience −0.282 −0.935*** 0.108 −0.0865
(0.154) (0.245) (0.0803) (0.296)
constant −7.683*** 0.887 −5.897*** −9.973
(2.072) (2.328) (1.621) (5.592)
Pseudo R2 0.255 0.118 0.276 0.311
N 4975 3158 5815 7355

Frequencies for categorical variables

Variables Full sample Of which: Restricted sample Of which:
Pedagogy STEM Humanities Foreign languages Social Sciences
Dependent variables
Teachers in concurrent mode 3.5 100 - - - - -
Teachers in consecutive mode 6.29 - 10.90 10.57 12.67 24.67 0.89
Independent variables
Female 69.30 96.53 69.92 53.09 76.93 85.38 67.89
Male 30.70 3.47 30.08 46.91 23.07 14.62 32.11
Type of secondary school
General 97.99 96.82 98.75 99.33 98.67 99.32 97.99
Vocational 2.01 3.18 1.25 0.67 1.33 0.68 2.01
Social stipend
receiving 12.56 20.38 13.13 14.84 16.40 13.14 10.72
not receiving 87.44 79.62 86.87 85.16 83.60 86.86 89.28
Mode of studying
full time 75.95 72.90 84.75 98.51 88.93 87.13 72.25
part time 11.78 0.22 7.78 0.36 2.82 8.17 14.39
evening 12.27 26.88 7.47 1.13 8.25 4.70 13.36
Highest degree obtained
MA 52.34 44.80 48.94 50.94 48.64 46.54 49.38
BA 47.66 55.20 51.06 49.06 51.36 53.46 50.62
Starting on time
starting the programme on time 95.06 97.18 95.27 94.05 95.48 94.83 96.32
joining later 4.94 2.82 4.73 5.95 4.52 5.17 3.68
N 39,779 1,384 23,790 5,834 3,298 5,999 8,659

Exemplary mechanisms of self-selection to teacher training

Sign of β Description
sisec sisec2 siuniv siuniv2
+ 0 + 0 Double positive selection. Positive and linear self-selection to teacher training with respect to both Matura score and early achievements at UW
+ + Thriving specialists. Many teachers recruit themselves from among students who scored low on their Matura, but who perform very well within their UW programme.
0 0 0 Random selection from among low-profile students. The effect of Matura score on self-selection to teaching is linearly negative. Later experience at the university has no impact on students’ decisions
+ 0 0 Middling skills selection. Teaching career is not attractive for low-performing students, but its attractiveness increases at a falling rate as we move along the achievements distribution.
0/+ 0 + Falling back students. Achievements on Matura do not affect students’ choices, but teaching is more likely to be chosen be those struggling academically while at UW
+ 0 0 Mismatched. Prospective teachers had good scores on their Matura, but nevertheless they struggle at their university programme.
0 0 Double negative. Negative and linear self-selection to teacher training with respect to both Matura score and early achievements at UW