Open Access

Perceived Social Capital and Institutional Environment‘s Impact On the Success of Regional Cluster Policies


Figure 1.

Intersecting scopes of reality delimited and described in the literature under the labels of institutional endowment (IE), institutional thickness (IT), and formal institutional environment (FIE)Note: range sizes reflect, indicatively, the depth and breadth of the relevant literatureSource: own analysis
Intersecting scopes of reality delimited and described in the literature under the labels of institutional endowment (IE), institutional thickness (IT), and formal institutional environment (FIE)Note: range sizes reflect, indicatively, the depth and breadth of the relevant literatureSource: own analysis

Figure 2.

Study areaNote: boundaries of the historical regions are reconstructed, based on Bartkowski's (2003) description, after Działek (2011)Source of cartographic base: Państwowy Rejestr Granic at [accessed: May 2022]Source: own analysis
Study areaNote: boundaries of the historical regions are reconstructed, based on Bartkowski's (2003) description, after Działek (2011)Source of cartographic base: Państwowy Rejestr Granic at [accessed: May 2022]Source: own analysis

Figure 3.

Schematic diagram of a composite-based SEM model for SRCPsSource: own analysis
Schematic diagram of a composite-based SEM model for SRCPsSource: own analysis

Figure 4.

Composite-based SEM model for SRCPsSignificant relationships (loadings and path coefficients) are marked *Source: own analysis using R's cSEM package
Composite-based SEM model for SRCPsSignificant relationships (loadings and path coefficients) are marked *Source: own analysis using R's cSEM package

Estimated path coefficients in a cross-section of the study regions

Effect Estimate Standard Error t-value P-value
Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship
P3 → P1+P2 0.4931 0.1000 4.9318 0.0000
P4+P5 → P1+P2 0.2160 0.1416 1.5247 0.1273
Podkarpackie Voivodship
P3 → P1+P2 0.5402 0.0956 5.6497 0.0000
P4+P5 → P1+P2 0.1985 0.1053 1.8842 0.0595
Świętokrzyskie Voivodship
P3 → P1+P2 0.4855 0.1665 2.9166 0.0035
P4+P5 → P1+P2 −0.2290 0.3013 −0.7601 0.4472
Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship
P3 → P1+P2 0.6538 0.0713 9.1679 0.0000
P4+P5 → P1+P2 0.2011 0.0952 2.1132 0.0346

Estimated path coefficients (resampling based on a bootstrap procedure)

Effect Estimate Standard Error t-value P-value effect size (Cohen's f2)
P3 → P1+P2 0.5543 0.0473 11.7219 0.0000 0.4266
P4+P5 → P1+P2 0.0775 0.0495 1.5647 0.1173 0.0083
R2=0.3376; adjusted R2=0.3336; RMSEA=0.0107; CFI=0.9988; GFI=0.9768; NFI=0.9707

Indicators removed from the model - summary of results

Indicators Significance of weight (p-value) Value of loading Significance of loading (p-value) Decision
P1_1 0.3807 0.5171 0.0000 OK
P1_2 0.0182 OK
P1_3 0.9602 0.6607 0.0000 OK
P2_1 0.9370 0.6800 0.0000 OK
P2_2 0.0000 OK
P2_3 0.0783 0.8094 0.0000 OK
P3_1 0.0666 0.7244 0.0000 OK
P3_2 0.0357 OK
P3_3 0.0001 OK
P3_4 0.0001 OK
P4_1 0.8627 0.0217 0.8803 indicator removed
P4_2 0.1001 0.6266 0.0002 OK
P4_3 0.0098 OK
P4_4 0.2676 0.2514 0.1839 indicator removed
P5_1 0.1621 0.1126 0.5619 indicator removed
P5_2 0.5443 0.1148 0.5895 indicator removed
P5_3 0.7647 0.1604 0.4151 indicator removed
P5_4 0.0030 OK

Summary of the trials of model building

Model Endogenous construct Exogenous constructs Remarks Model fit
1 P1 P3, P4, P5 Due to the significance of weights and values of loading there is a need to remove indicators: P4_1, P4_4, P5_1 RMSEA = 0.050R2 = 0.2370adjusted R2 = 0.2301
2 P1 P3, P4+P5 P3 à P1 (estimate = 0.4505, P-value = 0.0000, Cohen's f2= 0.2461)P4+P5 à P1 (estimate = 0.0910, P-value = 0.0761, Cohen's f2= 0.0100)Due to the significance of weights and values of loading there is a need to remove indicator: P5_2 RMSEA = 0.010R2 = 0.2329adjusted R2 = 0.2283
3 P2 P3, P4, P5 Due to the significance of weights and values of loading there is a need to remove indicators: P4_1, P4_4, P5_1, P5_2, P5_3 RMSEA = 0.056R2 = 0.3126adjusted R2 = 0.3064
4 P2 P3, P4+P5 P3 à P2 (estimate = 0.5265, P-value = 0.0000, Cohen's f2= 0.3704)P4+P5 à P2 (estimate = 0.0822, P-value = 0.1002, Cohen's f2= 0.0090) RMSEA = 0.009R2 = 0.3076adjusted R2 = 0.3034
5 P1+P2 P3, P4, P5 Due to the significance of weights and values of loading there is a need to remove indicators: P4_1, P4_4, P5_1, P5_2, P5_3 RMSEA = 0.045R2 = 0.3406adjusted R2 = 0.3346
6 P1+P2 P3, P4+P5 P3 à P1+P2 (estimate = 0.5543, P-value = 0.0000, Cohen's f2= 0.4266)P4+P5 à P1+P2 (estimate = 0.0775, P-value = 0.1173, Cohen's f2= 0.0086) RMSEA = 0.011R2 = 0.3376adjusted R2 = 0.3336

The original outline of constructs and indicators

Constructs (latent variables) Indicators (explicit variables)
P1: the SRCPs in terms of its effectiveness P1_1 I have the conviction that my company/institution has at some time been covered by regional supportP1_2 I consider the level of development of the cluster initiative of which my company/institution is a member to be highP1_3 Participation in the cluster initiative has positively translated into the level of development of my company/institution
P2: the SRCPs in terms of its utility P2_1 I believe that the regional support tools and instruments available so far, directed at the establishment, development or guiding of cluster initiatives, were well suited to the needs of the initiative of which my company/institution is a memberP2_2 The regional tools and support instruments available so far directed to the establishment/development/animation of cluster initiatives were well suited to the needs of my company/institutionP2_3 Regional activities to date dedicated to clusters or cluster members have, in practice, led to the realisation of an important need of my company/institution
P3: FIE P3_1 From the point of view of my company/institution, the offer of public services managed by regional institutions has so far/since joining the EU been broadP3_2 I believe that the quality of public regional institutions so far/since joining the EU has been highP3_3 I believe that the voivodship has developed a well-functioning regional innovation systemP3_4 So far/since joining the EU, there have been many interesting services for my company/institution in the offer of regional business environment institutions
P4: the normative dimension of SC P4_1 I believe that giving bribes is wrongP4_2 I believe that people can be trustedP4_3 I believe that people primarily try to help othersP4_4 I believe that it is necessary for a person who wants to be a good citizen to participate in elections
P5: The structural dimension of SC P5_1 I think it is imperative for people to be actively involved in the communityP5_2 I believe that people should be members of some organisations, associations, clubs, parties, councils or circlesP5_3 I think it is imperative for people to have a very good relationship with their neighboursP5_4 I believe that people should actively engage in volunteering