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Financial leasing in Albania and the impact that internal factors of a SME would have on the probability to be financed by lease


Graph 1

Volume of leasing use. Source: White Clarke Group, Leasing Report 2016.
Volume of leasing use. Source: White Clarke Group, Leasing Report 2016.

Model results.

Variables in the equationBSEWaldSig.Exp (B)
Recognition index0.9060.28410.1730.0012.474

Factorial analysis – component matrix.

Elements of index – knowing the advantages of leasingFactors
Leasing other than credit removes the risk of the facility being outdated.0.659
The legal consequences in case of bankruptcy are less with the leasing.0.724
Lease terms are more favourable than credit.0.773
Leasing contracts are generally less restrictive.0.771
The advantage of taxation is the biggest advantage of leasing.0.698
Leasing enables 100% down payment financing.0.474
Contracting costs are lower in the case of leasing than credit.0.716

Variables used in quantitative research.

VariableConceptualisation and operationalisation of the variableMeasurement method and transformations
LeasesInternational Accounting Standards, IAS17Binary, 1 = firm used leasing, 0 = firm did not use leasing
Need for financingSingle-item measure that describes the experience of financing a business from others (never; only once at first; when I needed it, but only to relatives; whenever I needed it)Scalar – indicates the frequency of business financing, 1 = very low to 4 = very high
Index of recognising the advantages of leasing

Leasing other than credit removes the risk of aging the object.

The legal consequences in case of bankruptcy are less with the leasing.

Lease terms are more favourable than credit.

Leasing contracts are generally less restrictive.

The advantage of taxation is the biggest advantage of leasing.

Leasing enables 100% down payment financing.

Financing costs are lower when leasing than a loana

Index created from recoded elements as an ordinal variable (1 = not at all, 4 = very much agree)
SectorsProduction or servicesBinary, 1 = production, 0 = services

Correlations of variables in the model.

VariableAge (Ln)Income (Ln)Number of employees (Ln)Value of assets (Ln)Need for financingLeasing recognition index
Need for funding0.0220.0610.0650.1091.000
Leasing Recognition Index0.229**0.1120.0170.203*0.0131.000