Open Access

Reducing Energy Consumption in the Design of Railway Lines - Compensated Curve of the Vertical Track Gradient


Trains that pass through several structural objects must overcome resistances acting against the train run. In case the track gradient of railway line is designed in values approaching the maximum allowable standard track gradient. Further adjustment of the elevation curve is possible by using secondary changing points between the main changing points of gradient, especially in the curve sections and tunnels. The elevation course will be modified by reducing the gradients in those sections by the anticipated resistances from these construction objects as circles, tunnels, etc.). A compensated curve can be designed to provide a smoother pass through the individual secondary sections of the track in rising gradient with reduced gear shifting of the locomotive engine and the train continues with fluent output, thus saving some energy consumed by the engine. The compensated curve is particularly suitable for long and heavy freight trains in mixed operation, but all other types of trains running on the track can also use this. The paper describes the compensated curve of the level of the gradient from the point of view of the designer in railway construction with practical calculations.
