Open Access

Implication of VDR rs7975232 and FCGR2A rs1801274 gene polymorphisms in the risk and the prognosis of autoimmune thyroid diseases in the Tunisian population


Figure 1

Vitamin D receptor rs7975232 polymorphism analysis. Lane M: molecular weight marker (100 bp DNA Ladder); Lane 1: homozygote (C/C); lanes 2 and 3: heterozygotes (C/A); lanes 4 and 5: homozygotes (A/A).
Vitamin D receptor rs7975232 polymorphism analysis. Lane M: molecular weight marker (100 bp DNA Ladder); Lane 1: homozygote (C/C); lanes 2 and 3: heterozygotes (C/A); lanes 4 and 5: homozygotes (A/A).

Figure 2

The FCGR2A rs1801274 polymorphism analysis. Lane M: molecular weight marker (100 bp DNA ladder); lane N: negative control; lanes P1 : patient 1, heterozygote (R/H); lanes P2: patient 2, homozygote (H/H); lanes P3 and P4: patients 3 and 4, homozygotes (R/R).
The FCGR2A rs1801274 polymorphism analysis. Lane M: molecular weight marker (100 bp DNA ladder); lane N: negative control; lanes P1 : patient 1, heterozygote (R/H); lanes P2: patient 2, homozygote (H/H); lanes P3 and P4: patients 3 and 4, homozygotes (R/R).

Distribution of VDR rs7975232 polymorphism genotypes and alleles in healthy control (n = 162), in autoimmune thyroid disease patients AITD patients (n = 162), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis patients (n = 106) and Graves’ disease patients (n = 56).

ControlsAITD PatientsHT PatientsGD Patients
Genotypes/ Allelesn(%)n(%)p(𝜒2)OR (95% CI)n(%)p(𝜒2)OR (95% CI)n(%)p(𝜒2)OR (95% CI)
CC58(35.8)49(30.2)reference30 (28.3)reference19(33.9)reference
CA68(42.0)69(42.6)0.56(0.33)1.20(0.72-1.99)49 (46.2)0.32(0.97)1.39(0.78-2.47)20(35.7)0.91 (0.01)0.89(0.43-1.84)
AA36(22.2)44(27.2)0.27(1.20)1.44(0.80-2.58)27(25.5)0.35(0.85)1.45 (0.74-2.82)17(30.4)0.46(0.52)1.44(0.66-3.12)

Dominant model.

104(64.2)113 (69.8)0.34(0.89)1.28(0.80-2.04)76 (71.7)0.25(1.31)1.41 (0.83-2.40)37(66.1)0.92(0.008)1.08(0.57-2.05)
C184(56.8)167(51.5)reference109 (51.4)reference58(51.8)reference
A140(43.2)157(48.5)0.20(1.59)1.23 (0.90-1.68)103 (48.6)0.25(1.28)1.24(0.87-1.75)54(48.2)0.41 (0.65)1.22(0.79-1.88)

Hormone levels among the VDR and the FCGR2A genotypes in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves’ disease patients.

HT PatientsGD Patients
VDR rs7975232TSH

The range of normal values for TSH is 0.15-5.0 mIU/L and for T4 is 8.6-25.0 pmol/L.


The range of normal values for TSH is 0.15-5.0 mIU/L and for T4 is 8.6-25.0 pmol/L.


The range of normal values for TSH is 0.15-5.0 mIU/L and for T4 is 8.6-25.0 pmol/L.


The range of normal values for TSH is 0.15-5.0 mIU/L and for T4 is 8.6-25.0 pmol/L.

FCGR2A rs1801274

Distribution of VDR rs7975232 polymorphism genotypes and alleles in autoimmune thyroid disease patients according to clinical parameters.

GenderAgeAnti-Tg AntibodiesAnti-TPO Antibodies
Genotypes/ AllelesFn(%)Mn(%)P<40n(%)≥40n(%)P[-]n(%)[+]n(%)P[-]n(%)[+]n(%)P
CC CA46(32.0) 58(40.2)3 (16.7) 11 (61.1)NS8(19.0) 17(40.5)41 (34.2) 52(43.3)NS18(41.0) 17(38.6)12(26.7) 15 (33.3)NS13 (34.2) 14(36.8)18(37.6) 15 (31.2)NS
AA40(27.8)4(22.2)NS17(40.5)27(22.5)p 0.02; (𝜒2:4.79) OR: 3.22; 95% CI: 1.22-8.519(20.4)18(40.0)NS11 (29.0)15(31.2)NS

Dominant model.

98(68.0)15 (83.3)NS34(81.0)79(65.8)NS26(59.0)33 (73.3)NS25 (65.8)30(62.5)NS
C150(52.0)17(47.2)33 (39.3)134(55.8)53 (60.2)39(43.3)40(52.6)51(53.1)
A138(48.0)19(52.8)NS51 (60.7)106(44.2)p 0.01; (𝜒2:6.17) OR: 1.95; 95% CI: 1.17-3.2435(39.8)51 (56.7)p 0.03; (𝜒2:4.43); OR: 1.98; 95% CI: 1.09-3.5936(47.4)45 (46.9)NS

Distribution of VDR rs7975232 polymorphism genotypes and alleles in Graves’ disease patients according to clinical parameters.

GenderAgeAnti-Tg AntibodiesAnti-TPO Antibodies
Genotypes/ AllelesFn(%)Mn(%)P<40n(%)≥40n(%)P[-]n(%)[+]n(%)P[-]n(%)[+]n(%)P
CC17(37.8)2(18.2)3 (20.0)16(39.0)7(53.9)3 (21.4)6(42.8)5(38.5)
CA13 (28.9)7(63.6)NS3 (20.0)17(41.5)NS4(30.7)5 (35.7)NS4(28.6)5 (38.5)NS
AA15 (33.3)2(18.2)NS9(60.0)8 (19.5)p95

Fisher’s exact test.

: 0.03% CI; :OR: 1.26-6.0028.49 ;
2(15.4)6(42.9)NS4(28.6)3 (23.0)NS

Dominant model.

28(62.2)9(81.8)NS12(80.0)25(61.0)NS6(46.1)11 (78.6)NS8(57.2)8(61.5)NS
C47(52.2)11 (50.0)9(30.0)49 (59.8)18(69.2)11 (39.3)16(57.1)15 (57.7)
A43 (47.8)11 (50.0)NS21 (70.0)33 (40.2)p. 0.009; (𝜒2:6.64); OR: 3.46; 95% CI: 1.41-8.498(30.8)17(60.7)p 0.05; (𝜒2:3.73); OR: 3.47; 95% CI: 1.12-10.7212(42.9)11 (42.3)NS

Distribution of FCGR2A rs1801274 polymorphism genotypes and alleles in healthy controls (n = 162), autoimmune thyroid disease patients (n = 162), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis patients (n = 106) and Graves’ disease patients (n = 56).

ControlsAITD PatientsHI PatientsGD Patients
Genotypes/ Allelesn(%)n(%)p(𝜒2)OR (95% CI)n(%)p(𝜒2)OR (95% CI)n(%)p(𝜒2)OR (95% CI)
RR62(38.3)43 (26.6)reference24 (22.6)reference19(34.0)reference
RH73 (45.0)78(48.1)0.11 (2.43)1.54(0.93-2.54)57(53.8)0.026 (4.95)2.01 (1.12-3.62)21 (37.5)0.99(0.00)0.93 (0.46-1.90)
HH27(16.7)41 (25.3)0.019(5.43)2.18 (1.17-4.07)25(23.6)0.026(4.91)2.39 (1.16-4.91)16(28.5)0.15 (1.98)1.93 (0.86-4.34)

Dominant model.

100(61.7)119(73.4)0.030(4.56)1.71 (1.07-2.74)82 (77.4)0.01 (6.48)2.11 (1.21-3.68)37(66.0)0.67(0.17)1.20(0.63-2.28)
H127(39.2)160(49.4)0.011 (6.40)1.51 (1.10-2.06)107(50.5)0.012(6.17)1.58(1.11-2.24)53 (47.3)0.16(1.94)1.39(0.90-2.14)

Distribution of FCGR2A rs1801274 polymorphism genotypes and alleles in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis patients according to clinical parameters.

GenderAgeAnti-Tg AntibodiesAnti-TPO Antibodies
Genotypes/ AllelesFn(%)Mn(%)P<40n(%)≥40n(%)P[-]n(%)[+]n(%)P[-]n(%)[+]n(%)P
RH54(54.5)3 (42.9)NS16(59.2)41 (51.9)NS15 (48.4)17(54.9)NS12 (50.0)19(54.3)NS
HH21 (21.2)4(57.1)NS5(18.5)20(25.3)NS10 (32.3)8(25.8)NS7(29.2)10(28.6)NS

Dominant model.

75(75.7)7(1.0)NS21 (77.7)61 (77.2)NS25 (80.7)25(80.7)NS19(79.2)29(82.9)NS
R102(51.5)3(21.4)28(51.8)77(48.7)27(43.5)29(46.8)22(45.8)31 (44.3)
H96(48.5)11 (78.6)p

Fisher’s exact test.

: 0.04; OR: 0.25; 95% CI: 0.06-0.94
26(48.2)81 (51.3)NS35 (56.5)33 (53.2)NS26(54.2)39(55.7)NS
Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
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Medicine, Basic Medical Science, other