Open Access

Influence of displacement ventilation on the distribution of pollutant concentrations in livestock housing



Since people are increasingly demanding better indoor air quality, the need for control over and research into indoor environment characteristics such as temperature, humidity, and pollutant concentration is becoming more and more extensive. Generally speaking, people often discharge pollutants through natural ventilation outlets such as open windows [1] to improve the quality of indoor air. However, the concentration of indoor pollutants is relatively high when the natural ventilation effect is not ideal, or when the concentration of indoor pollutants is often controlled by mechanical ventilation [2,3,4].

Till date, many scholars have conducted research into the distribution of indoor pollutant concentrations. He Bo [5] and others analysed the effect of air supply speed on the distribution of velocity field and pollutant concentration field in space by numerical simulation; the height of pollutant concentration distribution increases with air supply speed, but the mixing will also be enhanced, and the air supply speed should be 0.25 m/s. Zhiping and Liang [6] analysed the effect of airflow in student dormitories under different ventilation methods using numerical simulation. By conducting numerical simulation of the velocity field in student dormitories under different ventilation methods, the authors of the study concluded that when the window-to-ground ratio was above 0.114, the ventilation effect increased very slowly if the window area continued to be increased, and when the window-to-ground ratio was below 0.114, the ventilation effect increased significantly resultant to increasing the window area.

Guo Fei [7] analysed the effects of various barn spacing and pollutant release locations on the air flow patterns and pollutant distribution of natural ventilation in barns, and concluded that the pollutants released from the downwind barn might reach the upwind barn. However, while it was found that the pollutants released from the downwind barn might reach the upwind barn, the amount was very small and could be reasonably ignored; it was effective and economical to choose two times the ridge height as the barn isolation distance for epidemic prevention when pollutants were released from the upwind barn. As the amount of ventilation has been scarcely studied in the literature, the effect of various air supply and exhaust air volumes on the distribution of indoor pollutants is obtained through multiple air exchange numbers, and with the help of FLUENT numerical simulation software, a combination of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation is used, various solution methods are applied, and the air supply and exhaust air volumes under the optimal air exchange numbers are modelled [8,9,10].

Physical and mathematical models
Physical modelling overview

The object of this study is the large space room model; the room is 20 m long, 7 m wide and 3.5 m high, with supply and exhaust air outlets on the east and west sides; the size of the air outlets is 3 m × 2 m, the pollutant CO is distributed in the centre of the room, the mass flow rate of the pollutant is set to 0.72 Kg/(m2/s), the surface size of the pollutant is 1 m×2 m, seven measurement points are set inside the room, and the measurement points are 1 m, 2 m and 3 m in the height direction, one at each of the supply and exhaust air outlets. The height direction is 1 m, 2 m and 3 m, respectively, where one measurement point is set at each of the air supply and exhaust outlets.

Fig. 1

Physical model and distribution of measurement points

Basic control equations
(ρΦ)t+div(ρuΦ)=div(ΓgradΦ)+S {{\partial \left( {\rho \Phi } \right)} \over {\partial t}} + div\left( {\rho u\Phi } \right) = div\left( {\Gamma {\kern 1pt} grad{\kern 1pt} \Phi } \right) + S

In the equation, Φ denotes a generic variable that can represent fractional velocity, temperature, constants, etc., and Γ and S denote the generalised diffusion coefficient and the generalised source term, respectively. The conservation of mass equation Φ takes 1, Γ takes 0 and S takes 0. For the conservation of momentum equation, Φ takes ui, Γ takes u and S takes - D0 + ; and for the conservation of energy equation, Φ takes T, Γ takes k/c and S takes ST. (ρk)t+(ρkui)xi=xj[(μ+μiσk)kxj]+GK+Gbρε+Sk {{\partial (\rho k)} \over {\partial t}} + {{\partial (\rho k{u_i})} \over {\partial {x_i}}} = {\partial \over {\partial {x_j}}}\left[ {\left( {\mu + {{{\mu _i}} \over {{\sigma _k}}}} \right){{\partial k} \over {\partial {x_j}}}} \right] + {G_K} + {G_b} - \rho \varepsilon + {S_k} In the equation, GK is the kinetic energy of the turbulent flow generated by the laminar velocity gradient; and Gb is the turbulent kinetic energy generated by buoyancy. x(uxC)+y(uyC)+z(uzC)=Γ(2Cx2+2Cy2+2Cz2)+S(x,y,z) {\partial \over {\partial x}}\left( {{u_x}C} \right) + {\partial \over {\partial y}}\left( {{u_y}C} \right) + {\partial \over {\partial z}}\left( {{u_z}C} \right) = \Gamma \left( {{{{\partial ^2}C} \over {\partial {x^2}}} + {{{\partial ^2}C} \over {\partial {y^2}}} + {{{\partial ^2}C} \over {\partial {z^2}}}} \right) + S(x,y,z) In the equation, Γ is the diffusion coefficient at any point; s(x, y, z) is the diffusion intensity at any point; and C is the pollutant concentration.

Simulation of operating mode settings

As the room volume is calculated according to different ventilation times, different air supply and exhaust volumes are obtained. When the concentration of pollutants in the room is high, it follows that the ventilation times should be appropriately increased. This simulation assumes a general feeding farm, and thus the number of air changes is increased from 30 times/h to 50 times/h; the specific operating mode set parameters used are shown in Table 1.

Setting of operating mode parameters

Room volume (m3) Pollutant mass flow rate [kg/(m2·s)] Number of air changes (times/h) Ventilation volume (m3)

operating mode 1 490 0.72 30 4.08
operating mode 2 490 0.72 35 4.76
operating mode 3 490 0.72 40 5.44
operating mode 4 490 0.72 45 6.13
operating mode 5 490 0.72 50 6.81
Analysis of numerical simulation results
Variation pattern of CO concentration in the room under different ventilation amounts

From the simulated data, it can be known that the concentration of CO in the room does not decrease with the increase of ventilation quantity. When the frequency of ventilation in the room is 30 times/h, the concentration of pollutants in the room is relatively high. At the same time, it will keep the value of CO concentration around 0.3–0.4 kg/m3 for a period of time. With the increase of ventilation quantity, when the frequency of ventilation is 45 times/h, the lowest concentration of pollutants in the room is 0.2 kg/m3 on average. However, continuing to increase the number of air changes in the room, when the frequency of ventilation is 50 times/h, the concentration value of pollutants in the room increased, which is not conducive to the timely discharge of pollutants. The concentration of pollutants at the air supply outlet apparently reduces as the frequency of ventilation increases. When the frequency of ventilation is up to 45–50 times/h, the concentration value of pollutants near the air supply outlet changes very little, and the concentration value of pollutants is basically reduced to zero. The change rule of the pollutant concentration value at the exhaust outlet is similar to the one inside the room, and the pollutant concentration value at the exhaust outlet is the lowest when the number of air changes is 45 times/h. After 750 min, the pollutant concentration value decreases to different degrees under different operating conditions.

The specific numerical results of the simulation are shown in Figures 2–8.

Fig. 2

Variation of CO concentration values under different operating mode at one measurement site

Fig. 3

Variation of CO concentration values under different operating modes at measurement point 2

Fig. 4

Variation of CO concentration values at the three measurement points under different operating modes

Fig. 5

Variation of CO concentration values at four measurement points under different operating modes

Fig. 6

Variation of CO concentration values at five measurement points under different operating modes

Fig. 7

Variation of CO concentration values at the six measurement points under different operating modes

Fig. 8

Variation of CO concentration values at seven measurement points under different operating modes

The increase in the amount of room ventilation makes the speed of air supply and exhaust speed to increase, and the vortex effect of airflow organisation is formed above the source of pollution, which enhances the mixing and diffusion of airflow and surrounding air and affects the effect of replacement ventilation.

Figures 2 to 8 show the measured values in different operating modes.

Airflow rate distribution in the room under different ventilation volumes

As it can be seen from Figures 9 to 13 of the simulation results, the airflow velocity field in the room increases significantly with the increase of ventilation. When the ventilation rate is 30 times/h and 35 times/h, the airflow rate is relatively small in the room, and the concentration of pollutants is comparatively high. When the ventilation rate is 40 times/h and 45 times/h, the concentration of pollutants is low and the wind speed is moderate, which is conducive to the discharge of pollutants. When the ventilation rate is increased to 50 times/h, the airflow in the room produces the vortex phenomenon and the air mixing degree is enhanced; with the increase of room ventilation, the speed of air supply and exhaust is increased and the vortex effect of airflow is formed above the pollution source. As a result, the airflow and the surrounding air mixing diffusion is enhanced, which affects the effect of replacement ventilation.

Fig. 9

Airflow rate distribution in the room for operating mode 1

Fig. 10

Airflow rate distribution in the room for operating mode 2

Fig. 11

Airflow rate distribution in the room for operating mode 3

Fig. 12

Airflow rate distribution in the room for operating mode 4

Fig. 13

Airflow rate distribution in the room for operating mode 5

The velocity vector of the airflow organisation inside the room is shown in Figures 14 to 18, and we see that it is constantly changing. When the number of air changes increases from 30 times/h to 45 times/h, the airflow organisation above the pollutant source gradually moves in the direction of the exhaust air outlet, and when the number of air changes increases to 50 times/h, the exhaust air velocity is relatively large, and a larger swirling airflow is generated above the pollutant source, which greatly reduces the effect of replacement ventilation. Following the changes of time, the airflow of pollutants near the source gradually and uniformly moved in the direction of the exhaust air outlet.

Fig. 14

Vector diagram of the airflow velocity in the room for operating mode 1

Fig. 15

Vector diagram of the airflow velocity in the room for operating mode 2

Fig. 16

Vector diagram of airflow velocities in the room for operating mode 3

Fig. 17

Vector diagram of airflow velocity in the room for operating mode 4

Fig. 18

Vector diagram of airflow velocities in the room for operating mode 5


When discharging pollutants from livestock and poultry houses having large spaces, the air volume of displacement ventilation needs to be reasonably controlled. The research carried out in this paper has enabled us to conclude that when the ventilation rate is calculated by the number of air changes, the pollutant concentration at the exhaust outlet is the lowest, the pollutant concentration in the room has the lowest value and the pollutants are easy to discharge when the ventilation rate is fixed at 45 times/h. Further, when the ventilation rate is less than 45 times/h, the pollutant emission rate is relatively slow. At this time, the pollutant concentration in the room is high and the air quality is poor. When the ventilation rates are between 45 times/h and 50 times/h, the vortex phenomenon of air flow is generated above the pollutants, which is not conducive to the emission of pollutants. Therefore, maintaining the ventilation rate of 45 times/h can minimise the concentration of pollutants in the room, and by using this rate, the pollutants are distributed more evenly; additionally, this rate is more conducive towards curtailing the emission of the pollutants.

Publication timeframe:
Volume Open
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, other, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, General Mathematics, Physics