
Fig. 1

S-O-R theory. Note. This figure is based on the S-O-R model developed in ‘Store Environment and Consumer Purchase Behaviour: Mediating Role of Consumer Emotions’ by E. Sherman, A. Mathur, and R. B. Smith, 1997, Psychology & Marketing, 14, 361–378.
S-O-R theory. Note. This figure is based on the S-O-R model developed in ‘Store Environment and Consumer Purchase Behaviour: Mediating Role of Consumer Emotions’ by E. Sherman, A. Mathur, and R. B. Smith, 1997, Psychology & Marketing, 14, 361–378.

Fig. 2

Example of housing information page prompted by multiple lists in the questionnaire.
Example of housing information page prompted by multiple lists in the questionnaire.

Fig. 3

PLS-SEM model. A, arousal; AB, approach behaviour; HTRC, high-task-relevant cues; LTRC, low-task-relevant cues; P, pleasure; PI, purchase intentions; PV, perceived value.
PLS-SEM model. A, arousal; AB, approach behaviour; HTRC, high-task-relevant cues; LTRC, low-task-relevant cues; P, pleasure; PI, purchase intentions; PV, perceived value.

Indirect effects of HTRC and LTRC on responses.

Effects Path Standardised path coefficients Significance T statistics
Indirect effects HTRC → P → AB 0.074 *** 4.397
HTRC → PV → AB 0.097 *** 5.502
HTRC → A → AB 0.108 *** 6.004
Total effect HTRC → AB 0.278 *** 10.509
HTRC → P → PI 0.094 *** 4.658
Indirect effects HTRC → PV → PI 0.113 *** 5.202
HTRC → A → PI 0.082 *** 4.986
Total effect HTRC → PI 0.288 *** 11.619
LTRC → P → AB 0.103 *** 4.633
Indirect effects LTRC → PV → AB 0.083 *** 4.528
LTRC → A → AB 0.188 *** 7.05
Total effect LTRC → AB 0.374 *** 13.833
LTRC → P → PI 0.132 *** 5.6
Indirect effects LTRC → PV → PI 0.096 *** 5.216
LTRC → A → PI 0.143 *** 6.445
Total effect LTRC → PI 0.371 *** 14.492

Discriminate validity test.

HTRC 0.756 0.869
LTRC 0.715 0.822 0.846
PV 0.906 0.761 0.75 0.952
P 0.827 0.733 0.757 0.727 0.909
A 0.736 0.65 0.685 0.635 0.776 0.858
PI 0.761 0.68 0.691 0.648 0.698 0.681 0.872
AB 0.789 0.616 0.681 0.63 0.688 0.71 0.776 0.888

Latent variables and their corresponding observation variables.

Frame Latent variables Observed variables
Stimulus (S) HTRC HTRC1, Number of HTRC
HTRC2, Effectiveness of HTRC
HTRC3, Degree to which HTRC meets demand
Organism (O) LTRC LTRC1, Rationality of LTRC layout
LTRC2, Attractiveness of LTRC content
LTRC3, Degree to which LTRC meets trust
PV PV1, The tenant's overall assessment of the house listing
PV2, The tenant's knowledge about the house performance
P P1, Level of happiness the tenant feels
P2, Level of satisfaction the tenant feels
P3, Level of comfort the tenant feels
Response (R) A A1, Level of sobriety the tenant feels
A2, Level of excitement the tenant feels
A3, Level of enthusiasm the tenant feels
PI PI1, The extent to which the tenant intends to choose one of the existing listings for consumption
PI2, The financial extent to which the tenant intends to spend on this website
PI3, The extent to which the tenant is willing to use the website again
AB AB1, The extent to which the tenant is willing to recommend the website
AB2, The extent to which the tenant is willing to browse the website on weekdays
AB3, The extent to which the tenant is willing to know the website's advertising or promotional information

Modified path coefficient and its significance.

Assumption number Path Standardised path coefficients Significance T statistics
H1a HTRC → PV 0.447 *** 9.834
H1b HTRC → P 0.34 *** 9.198
H1c HTRC → A 0.267 *** 6.407
H2a LTRC → PV 0.383 *** 8.025
H2b LTRC → P 0.478 *** 13.179
H2c LTRC → A 0.465 *** 11.423
H3a PV → PI 0.252 *** 6.606
H3b PV → AB 0.217 *** 6.136
H4a P → PI 0.276 *** 6.025
H4b P → AB 0.216 *** 5.05
H5a A → PI 0.307 *** 8.109
H5b A → AB 0.404 *** 10.681

Combination reliability test.

Variable Variable CR AVE Cronbach's α
HTRC HTRC1 0.903 0.756 0.838 0.959
HTRC2 0.959
HTRC3 0.958
LTRC LTRC1 0.883 0.715 0.800 0.959
LTRC2 0.959
LTRC3 0.959
PV PV1 0.95 0.906 0.896 0.958
PV2 0.958
P P1 0.935 0.827 0.895 0.958
P2 0.958
P3 0.959
A A1 0.893 0.736 0.819 0.959
A2 0.959
A3 0.959
PI PI1 0.905 0.761 0.843 0.959
PI2 0.96
PI3 0.958
AB AB1 0.918 0.789 0.866 0.958
AB2 0.959
AB3 0.959
Total 0.961

Descriptive statistics of each type of item on the questionnaire scale.

Variable Mean of measurement Standard deviation Skewness Kurtosis Mean
HTRC HTRC1 4.55 1.479 –0.388 –0.238 4.617
HTRC2 4.82 1.273 –0.414 0.152
HTRC3 4.48 1.425 –0.221 –0.388
LTRC LTRC1 4.75 1.366 –0.404 –0.083 4.613
LTRC2 4.88 1.246 –0.396 –0.102
LTRC3 4.21 1.394 –0.036 –0.310
PV PV1 4.75 1.337 –0.399 –0.088 4.705
PV2 4.66 1.380 –0.387 –0.165
P P1 4.91 1.168 –0.366 0.295 4.847
P2 4.74 1.214 –0.300 0.118
P3 4.89 1.184 –0.363 0.196
A A1 4.87 1.221 –0.324 –0.012 4.453
A2 4.34 1.416 –0.363 –0.091
A3 4.15 1.427 –0.189 –0.035
PI PI1 4.18 1.632 –0.361 –0.591 4.533
PI2 4.74 1.483 –0.628 0.070
PI3 4.68 1.421 –0.579 0.374
AB AB1 4.53 1.530 –0.592 0.426 4.500
AB2 4.41 1.550 –0.408 –0.301
AB3 4.56 1.551 –0.452 –0.339
Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, other, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, General Mathematics, Physics