
Socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics of preschool teachers in Serbia (N=482)

Characteristics Total N (%) With total burnout N (%) Without total burnout N (%) P-value
Male 17 (3.6) 2 (15.4) 11 (84.6)
Female 458 (96.4) 119 (27.8) 309 (72.2) 0.323
Age (mean±SD) 39.5±8.2 43.9±7.8 38.9±9.5 <0.001
Urban 328 (85.2) 87 (26.5) 241 (73.5)
Rural 57 (14.8) 12 (21.1) 45 (78.9) 0.383
Marital status
Married 318 (67.5) 95 (31.9) 203 (68.1)
Single 153 (32.5) 24 (17.1) 116 (82.9) <0.001
Having children
Yes 349 (72.6) 105 (32.4) 219 (67.6)
No 132 (27.4) 15 (12.3) 107 (87.7) <0.001
Years of education
≤15 274 (57.7) 71 (27.6) 186 (72.4)
>15 201 (42.3) 50 (27.0) 135 (73.0) 0.889
Owning an apartment
Yes 323 (67.3) 91 (30.1) 211 (69.9)
No 157 (32.7) 30 (20.7) 115 (79.3) 0.035
Self-rated financial status
Poor 111 (23.2) 39 (38.2) 63 (61.8)
Average 250 (52.3) 63 (27.3) 168 (72.7)
Good 117 (24.5) 19 (17.1) 92 (82.9) 0.003

Workplace and employment characteristics of preschool teachers in Serbia (N=482)

Characteristics Total N (%) With total burnout N (%) Without total burnout N (%) P-value
Tenured contract
Yes 358 (75.2) 105 (31.3) 230 (68.7)
No 118 (24.8) 14 (13.1) 93 (86.9) <0.001
Work experience (mean±SD) 14.5±7.8 18.9±8.7 13.4±9.1 <0.001
Work experience on a current job (mean±SD) 9.5±6.2 14.1±9.7 9.9±8.7 <0.001
Age of the children in group
three – four years 207 (43.3) 53 (27.5) 140 (72.5)
five – six years 132 (27.6) 29 (23.4) 95 (76.6)
school preparing program 89 (18.6) 30 (37.0) 51 (63.0)
Other 50 (10.5) 9 (20.0) 36 (80.0) 0.110
Number of children per group (mean±SD) 26.1±5.3 26.9±5.7 25.3±6.5 0.018
Children with disability in the group
Yes 201 (42.4) 56 (29.6) 133 (70.4)
No 273 (57.6) 63 (25.1) 188 (74.9) 0.290
Number of children with disability per group (mean±SD) 1.8±1.4 1.8±1.4 1.6±1.1 0.225
Personal accompany for children with disability
Yes 28 (11.1) 3 (12.0) 22 (88.0)
No 224 (88.9) 64 (30.3) 147 (69.7) 0.055
Workplace location
Centrally located 338 (83.7) 85 (26.8) 232 (73.2)
Peripherally located 66 (16.3) 9 (15.8) 48 (84.2) 0.077
Managerial function
Yes 56 (11.7) 12 (22.2) 42 (77.8)
No 424 (88.3) 108 (27.6) 283 (72.4) 0.402
Shift work
Yes 406 (84.6) 108 (28.5) 271 (71.5)
No 74 (15.4) 13 (19.4) 54 (80.6) 0.123
Yes 116 (24.6) 33 (30.0) 77 (70.0)
No 356 (75.4) 87 (26.4) 243 (73.6) 0.458
Enough large and well-kept rooms
Yes 338 (71.0) 78 (24.5) 240 (75.5)
No 138 (29.0) 41 (33.1) 83 (66.9) 0.156
Didactic/play tools
Yes 325 (69.7) 65 (21.6) 236 (78.4)
No 141 (30.3) 52 (39.4) 80 (60.6) <0.001
Yes 237 (50.7) 60 (26.8) 164 (73.2)
No 230 (49.3) 56 (26.7) 154 (73.3) 0.978
Time for administrative work per day
<30 min 146 (31.5) 33 (25.6) 96 (74.4)
30–60 min 272 (58.6) 68 (26.3) 191 (73.7)
>60 min 46 (9.9) 16 (36.4) 28 (63.6) 0.340
Commute time
<30 min 296 (62.3) 72 (26.3) 202 (73.7)
30–60 min 126 (26.5) 31 (35.6) 90 (74.4)
>60 min 53 (11.2) 17 (34.0) 33 (66.0) 0.488
Type of transportation
Public transportation 141 (34.4) 37 (27.2) 99 (72.8)
Car 111 (27.1) 18 (17.5) 85 (82.5)
Bicycle 17 (4.1) 4 (25.0) 12 (75.0)
Walking 141 (34.4) 37 (29.1) 90 (70.9) 0.203

Mental health characteristics of preschool teachers in Serbia (N=482)

Characteristics Total (mean±SD) With total burnout (mean±SD) Without total burnout (mean±SD) P-value
Beck Depression Inventory score 4.4±5.1 8.8±6.1 2.9±3.8 p<0.001
Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale score 32.5±7.1 38.2±7.3 30.4±5.8 p<0.001

Multivariate logistic regression analysis with total burnout as an outcome variable

Characteristics OR (95 % CI)
Age (mean±SD) 0.98 (0.89–1.08)
Marital status
Married 1.0 (reference category)
Single 0.18 (0.05–0.58)
Having children
Yes 1.0 (reference category)
No 1.39 (0.37–5.20)
Owning an apartment
Yes 1.0 (reference category)
No 0.96 (0.37–2.53)
Tenured contract
Yes 1.0 (reference category)
No 0.60 (0.19–1.86)
Work experience (mean±SD) 1.03 (0.93–1.14)
Work experience on a current job (mean±SD) 1.03 (0.98–1.10)
Self-rated financial status
Poor 3.33 (0.99–11.14)
Average 2.35 (0.83–6.64)
Good 1.0 (reference category)
Self-rated health
Poor 6.05 (1.05–34.91)
Average 3.60 (1.57–8.25)
Good 1.0 (reference category)
Binge drinking
No 1.0 (reference category)
Yes, in a past year, but not in the past month 5.63 (0.74–42.57)
Yes, in the past month 3.05 (0.68–13.57)
Sick leave in the past year
Yes 0.92 (0.40–2.11)
No 1.0 (reference category)
Number of children per group (mean±SD) 1.04 (0.98–1.10)
Didactic/play tools
Yes 1.0 (reference category)
No 2.71 (1.21–6.04)
Beck Depression Inventory score 1.19 (1.09–1.29)
Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale score 1.10 (1.03–1.18)

Health and lifestyle characteristics of preschool teachers in Serbia (N=482)

Characteristics Total N (%) With total burnout N (%) Without total burnout N (%) P-value
Self-rated health
Poor 20 (4.9) 10 (71.4) 4 (28.6)
Average 150 (36.5) 64 (44.1) 81 (55.9)
Good 241 (58.6) 24 (10.7) 201 (89.3) <0.001
Sick leave in the past year
Yes 132 (28.0) 45 (35.7) 81 (64.3)
No 339 (72.0) 73 (23.5) 238 (76.5) 0.009
Number of days of sick leave (mean±SD) 16.7±25.6 21.1±25.2 18.3±30.3 <0.001
Yes 158 (33.1) 38 (26.0) 108 (74.0)
No 319 (66.9) 83 (28.0) 213 (72.0) 0.655
Ever smoked electronic cigarettes
Yes 22 (5.2) 8 (40.0) 12 (60.0)
No 394 (92.5) 88 (23.9) 280 (76.1)
Used to, but stopped 10 (2.3) 3 (33.3) 6 (66.7) 0.227
Alcohol consumer
Yes 299 (62.7) 76 (27.2) 203 (72.8)
No 178 (37.3) 44 (26.7) 121 (73.3) 0.895
Binge drinking
No 378 (88.7) 95 (27.0) 257 (73.0)
Yes, in a past year, but not in the past month 21 (4.9) 11 (55.0) 9 (45.0)
Yes, in the past month 27 (6.3) 4 (16.0) 21 (84.0) 0.010
No 224 (88.9) 64 (30.3) 147 (69.7) 0.055
English, Slovenian
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Basic Medical Science, other