
Information on sex, education, histopathology, and metastases in group A and group B

A (n=101) B (n=33)
SEX N % N % χ2 = 1.960p = 0.161
women 44 43.6 19 57.6
men 57 56.4 14 42.4
EDUCATIONa N % N % χ2 = 3.107p = 0.376
primary 33 37.5 7 21.2
basic vocational 33 37.5 16 48.5
secondary 17 19.3 7 21.2
higher 5 5.7 3 9.1
HISTOPATHOLOGYb N % N % χ2 = 4.024p = 0.045
small cell lung cancer 11 11.8 0 0
non-small cell lung cancer 82 88.2 31 100
METASTASESc N % N % χ2 = 8.933p = 0.003
no 16 16.8 14 42.4
yes 79 83.2 19 57.6

Information on age, BMI (body mass index), and BI (The Barthel Index for Activities of Daily Living) in group A and group B (y: years; IQR: interquartile range)

Parameter Group A (n = 101) Group B (n = 33) Statistic p value
Age, y, median (IQR) 66 (63–70) 65 (63–68) Z = −0.049 0.961
BMIa, median (IQR) 23.99 (20.81–26.64) 27.69 (22.31–29.41) Z = −2.527 0.011
BIa, median (IQR) 60 (50–65) 90 (85–95) Z = −8.302 < 0.001

Information on age, BMI (body mass index) and BI (The Barthel Index for Activities of Daily Living) in group A in terms of sex (y: years; IQR: interquartile range)

Parameter Women (N = 44) Men (N = 57) Statistic p value
Age, y, median (IQR) 66 (64–68) 65 (60–70) Z = −0.841 0.400
BMIa, median (IQR) 24.61 (19.33–26.77) 23.67 (21.45–26.64) Z = −0.461 0.645
BIb, median (IQR) 60 (55–65) 55 (50–65) Z = −1.546 0.122