
Figure 1

The comparison of arylesterase activity of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) among study groups, (0) – control group, (1) – patients with newly diagnosed hypertension, (2) – patients with poorly controlled hypertension, (3) – patients with wellcontroled hypertension:
Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks p<0,0001 and post hoc Dunn test analysis:
*(0) vs (3) p=0.0005; **(0) vs (1) p=0.0238; ***(1) vs (2) p<0.0001;
****(1) vs (3) p<0.0001
The comparison of arylesterase activity of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) among study groups, (0) – control group, (1) – patients with newly diagnosed hypertension, (2) – patients with poorly controlled hypertension, (3) – patients with wellcontroled hypertension: Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks p<0,0001 and post hoc Dunn test analysis: *(0) vs (3) p=0.0005; **(0) vs (1) p=0.0238; ***(1) vs (2) p<0.0001; ****(1) vs (3) p<0.0001

The applied antihypertensive treatment in patients with poorly controlled and well controlled hypertension. Data are presented as numbers and percentages of patients undergoing the indicated treatment (in parenthesis)

Patients with poorly controlled hypertension n=26 Patients with well controlled hypertension n=25
Alpha blocker 1 (4%) 2 (8%)
Beta blocker 16 (62%) 13 (52%)
Calcium channel blocker 12 (46%) 12 (48%)
Diuretic 16 (62%) 13 (52%)
ACE inhibitor 10 (39%) 11 (44%)
Angiotensin receptor blocker 7 (27%) 7 (28%)
Mono-therapy 6 (23%) 6 (24%)
2-drug therapy 7 (27%) 9 (36%)
3-drug therapy 10 (39%) 7 (28%)
4-drug therapy 3 (11%) 2 (8%)
5-drug therapy 0 (0%) 1 (4%)

Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the study groups. All data are presented as median and interquartile range

Variable Control group (0) n=28 Patients with newly diagnosed hypertension (1) n=25 Patients with poorly controlled hypertension (2) n=26 Patients with well controlled hypertension (3) n=25
Gender F/M F=13 M=15 F=8 M=17 F=11 M=15 F=6 M=19
Age, years 55.0 (43.5-59.5) 57.0 (49.0-62.0) 57.0 (43.0–65.0) 59.0 (54.0–63.0)
BMI, kg/m2 27.50 (24.83-31.07) 29.54 (26.23-31.83) 30.99 (26.47-33.74) 32.05 (27.77-35.26)
SBP, mmHg * 121 (110-130) 148 (142-156) 149 (140-165) 128 (120-135)
DBP, mmHg * 79 (70-82) 94 (89-98) 90 (90-100) 80 (70-88)
PON1, U/ml * 1.39 (1.19-1.72) 0.95 (0.58-1.19) 1.73 (1.37-2.02) 1.86 (1.74-2.35)
Glucose, mmol/l 5.24 (4.79-5.49) 5.29 (4.75-5.64) 5.18 (4.97-5.70) 5.33 (5.03-5.74)
T-C, mmol/l 5.25 (4.64-6.02) 5.39 (5.12-6.21) 5.45 (4.32-6.24) 5.32 (4.87-6.25)
HDL–C, mmol/l 1.37 (1.22-1.85) 1.43 (1.28-1.69) 1.29 (1.08-1.64) 1.33 (0.99-1.49)
LDL–C, mmol/l 3.31 (2.63-4.10) 3.46 (2.94-4.02) 3.41 (2.65-3.93) 3.26 (2.93-4.35)
TG, mmol/l * 1.28 (0.83-1.73) 1.55 (1.14-1.83) 1.85 (1.25-2.76) 1.47 (1.16-1.94)
Hcy, μmol/l * 13.40 (9.85-16.16) 15.90 (13.70-19.20) 16.60 (13.80-18.24) 15.60 (13.15-20.70)
hsCRP, mg/l 1.25 (0.80-2.20) 1.40 (0.60-2.10) 2.35 (1.20-3.80) 2.50 (1.10-4.30)
Creatinine, mmol/l 75.00 (68.30-79.10) 77.00 (69.80-87.00) 78.50 (65.00-89.70) 77.00 (72.30-88.00)
Sodium, mmol/l 142.0 (142.0-143.0) 142.0 (142.0-143.0) 142.0 (141.0-143.0) 141.0 (140.0-143.0)
Potassium, mmol/l 4.30 (4.20-4.50) 4.20 (4.10-4.40) 4.20 (4.00-4.50) 4.40 (4.20-4.60)
WBC, G/l 6.53 (5.55-7.25) 6.49 (5.64-7.29) 7.46 (6.22-8.30) 7.07 (5.81-8.56)
PLT, G/l 224.0 (184.0-266.0) 225.0 (209.0-274.0) 227.0 (214.0-251.0) 236.0 (174.5-255.5)
RBC, T/l 4.62 (4.43-4.85) 4.84 (4.63-5.13) 4.90 (4.78-5.11) 4.79 (4.61-5.11)
HCT, l/l 0.42 (0.40-0.44) 0.44 (0.42-0.45) 0.43 (0.41-0.46) 0.44 (0.41-0.46)
HGB, mmol/l 8.80 (8.36-9.40) 9.20 (8.80-9.70) 9.15 (8.80-9.70) 9.20 (8.80-9.60)

Relationships of PON1 with selected parameters in the studied groups; Spearman’s correlation coefficient is presented if statistically significant (p<0.05)

Parameters All study population (0)+(1)+(2)+(3) n=104 Control group (0) n=28 Patients diagnosed with hypertension (1)+(2)+(3) n=76 Patients treated for hypertension (2)+(3) n=51 Patients with newly diagnosed hypertension (1) n=25 Patients with poorly controlled hypertension (2) n=26 Patients with well controlled hypertension (3) n=25
SBP -0.2458 ns -0.4551 -0.3710 ns ns ns
DBP -0,2650 ns -0,3877 ns ns ns ns
BMI ns -0.4246 ns ns ns ns ns
hsCRP 0.2077 ns 0.2818 ns 0.4232 ns ns
Glucose ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
T-C ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
HDL-C ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
LDL-C ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
TG ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Hcy ns ns ns ns ns ns ns