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Patient Empowerment in Rare Diseases Slovak Rare Disease Alliance − Contribution to the Creation of the National Plan of Rare Diseases in Slovakia Eurordis – Benefits of Membership / Pacientske organizácie v oblasti zriedkavých chorôb – ich činnosť aj pri príprave národného plánu v SR slovenská aliancia zriedkavých chorôb Eurordis - európska aliancia zriedkavých chorôb – výhody členstva

   | Apr 20, 2013
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European Pharmaceutical Journal
Rare disease day in Slovakia, Europlan national conference


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EURORDIS. EUROPLAN - Guidance for National Plans and Conferences: EUROPLAN National Conference Final Reports [online]. EURORDIS, 2010, 21/09/2012. ( Accessed April 20 2013.Search in Google Scholar

EURORDIS. EURORDIS Rare Diseases Europe: The voice of of Rare Disease Patients in Europe [online]. European Union's Health Programme, 2009, 10/01/2013. ( Accessed April 20 2013.Search in Google Scholar

Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Pharmacy, other