Open Access

WLAN Based Wireless Self-organization Link: Research and Realization


Communication is one of essential elements of our life. In some cases, we need wireless links to support data transmission such as television relay. But the existing GPRS and other network often need the support of power transmission line. And in the remote areas, the transmission rate of traditional network is very slow. In this paper, the development and realization of wireless self-organization link based on the wireless router and WLAN, managed by OpenWrt open source system is presented. It implements a strategy for Wireless Self-organization Link system, which can effectively solve the problem of automatic relay between wireless routers, prevent the establish of loopback in two routers, make multiple routers connect automatically, and set up a high-speed wireless data link in AP+Client mode.

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Computer Sciences, other