Open Access

Fine-grained Access Control Scheme Based on Cloud Storage

   | Apr 24, 2018


Cloud storage originates from cloud computing, and brings new model of data sharing and storage, which provided great convenience for users. However, cloud environment confronts with many problems, and one of the most important problems is the security problem. This paper researched on security problem based on encryption, and proposed a secure and efficient scheme according to system characteristics of data storage on cloud platform, and applied it in cloud storage system with fine-grained access control based on CP-ABE. Through the analysis and comparison, the experimental results showed that the proposed scheme optimized the user revocation, reduced the time of data owner to manage data, and realized the safe sharing and efficient storage of sensitive data in the public cloud storage. Finally, the technology in this paper was an optimization both on security and the whole expense, and it must have a good prospect in the future.

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Computer Sciences, other