
Figure 1

Map showing the town of Komatipoort, noting the Orlando Township adjacent to Komatipoort, as well as the southern border of Kruger National Park and the South Africa-Mozambique border. Source: Google Earth (Accessed: 24 April 2022).
Map showing the town of Komatipoort, noting the Orlando Township adjacent to Komatipoort, as well as the southern border of Kruger National Park and the South Africa-Mozambique border. Source: Google Earth (Accessed: 24 April 2022).

Figure 2

Speculative housing in the township of Orange. By the Authors.
Speculative housing in the township of Orange. By the Authors.

Figure 3

Standard drawing of a chain-like fence with additional barbed wire. By the Authors.
Standard drawing of a chain-like fence with additional barbed wire. By the Authors.

Figure 4

Hydrological boundaries showing the Limpopo Basin and the Olifants River and Catchment. By the Authors. Source for base map: Limpopo Basin Curriculum Innovation Network (2018a; 2018b).
Hydrological boundaries showing the Limpopo Basin and the Olifants River and Catchment. By the Authors. Source for base map: Limpopo Basin Curriculum Innovation Network (2018a; 2018b).

Figure 5

Riverbed of the Olifants River in Kruger National Park on 12 June 2018. By the Authors.
Riverbed of the Olifants River in Kruger National Park on 12 June 2018. By the Authors.

Figure 6

Image taken on 21 June 2017 in Kruger National Park. Elephants zig-zag across the riverbed during the dry seasons from May to September. By the Authors.
Image taken on 21 June 2017 in Kruger National Park. Elephants zig-zag across the riverbed during the dry seasons from May to September. By the Authors.

Figure 7

Drawing of the Olifants River meeting the Limpopo River, cutting across South Africa and Mozambique and
ending at the city of Xia-Xia. 26x41 inches, watercolour on 300 lb cold press paper. By the Authors.
Drawing of the Olifants River meeting the Limpopo River, cutting across South Africa and Mozambique and ending at the city of Xia-Xia. 26x41 inches, watercolour on 300 lb cold press paper. By the Authors.
Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Cultural Studies, General Cultural Studies