Open Access

Effect of Curing Regimes on the Mechanical and Fresh Properties of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete


Figure 1.

Aggregates for each size; a) 0–4 mm b) 4–12 mm c) 12–22 mm
Aggregates for each size; a) 0–4 mm b) 4–12 mm c) 12–22 mm

Figure 2.

a) water, b) air and c) steam curing
a) water, b) air and c) steam curing

Figure 3.

Applied steam curing duration and temperature
Applied steam curing duration and temperature

Figure 4.

Mechanical testing of specimens a) Schematic demonstration of flexural tests; 375 mm (14.76 inches), 600 mm (23.62 inches) 750 mm (29.52 inches) b) Flexural tests c) Compression tests
Mechanical testing of specimens a) Schematic demonstration of flexural tests; 375 mm (14.76 inches), 600 mm (23.62 inches) 750 mm (29.52 inches) b) Flexural tests c) Compression tests

Figure 5.

Workability tests (a-c); mixtures in molds (d); weights of specimens (e)
Workability tests (a-c); mixtures in molds (d); weights of specimens (e)

Figure 6.

Average compressive strength of mixtures at different ages (a-c)
Average compressive strength of mixtures at different ages (a-c)

Figure 7.

Improved crack growth resistance on beams specimens
Improved crack growth resistance on beams specimens

Figure 8.

Average flexural strength of mixtures at 28 days
Average flexural strength of mixtures at 28 days

Physical and mechanical properties of steel fibers

Fiber type Length (mm) Diameter (mm) Aspect ratio Density Tensile strength (MPa)
Steel fibers 60 (2.36 inches) 0.75 (0.03 inches) 80 7.48 1050 (min.)

Measured unit weight and slump values of the mixtures

Mix ID Average Unit weight (gr/cm3) Average Unit weight (lb/gal) COV* in unit weight (%) Average Slump value (cm) Average Slump value (inches) COV* in slump value (%)
WP-3 2.34 19.44 0.98 12.90 5.08 1.25
WP-7 2.34 19.49 0.24 12.93 5.09 0.34
WP-28 2.34 19.50 0.65 13.03 5.13 1.60
WS-3 2.34 19.50 0.65 11.53 4.54 1.33
WS-7 2.35 19.60 1.47 11.80 4.64 0.86
WS-28 2.32 19.38 0.49 11.63 4.57 1.82
AP-3 2.33 19.47 0.24 12.87 5.09 1.87
AP-7 2.34 19.49 1.50 12.83 5.05 0.46
AP-28 2.34 19.49 0.24 12.93 5.09 1.20
AS-3 2.35 19.63 0.64 11.27 4.43 1.28
AS-7 2.31 19.24 1.09 11.33 4.46 1.37
AS-28 2.33 19.47 0.89 11.30 4.45 0.79
SP-1 2.33 19.44 1.13 13.03 5.13 1.60
SP-7 2.33 19.47 1.23 13.07 5.14 1.87
SP-28 2.30 19.19 1.99 13.20 5.20 0.68
SS-1 2.31 19.25 0.50 11.50 4.52 0.89
SS-7 2.32 19.36 0.43 11.27 4.44 0.52
SS-28 2.28 19.02 1.31 11.77 4.63 2.06

Material amounts of mixtures and acronyms of specimens

Materials Kg in 1 m3 Lb in 1 ft3
Cement 295 18.41
Water 174.3 10.88
Chemical additive 2.655 0.166
0-4 mm aggregate 321 20.04
4-12 mm aggregate 1153 71.98
12-22 mm aggregate 423 26.40
Steel fiber 25 1.56
WP-3, WP-7, WP-28 Water-cured Plain specimens at 3, 7 and 28 days, respectively
WS-3, WS-7, WS-28 Water-cured Steel fiber reinforced specimens at 3, 7 and 28 days, respectively
AP-3, AP-7, AP-28 Air-cured Plain specimens at 3, 7 and 28 days, respectively
AS-3, AS-7, AS-28 Air-cured Steel fiber reinforced specimens at 3, 7 and 28 days, respectively
SP-1, SP-7, SP-28 Steam-cured Plain specimens at 1, 7 and 28 days, respectively
SS-1, SS-7, SS-28 Steam-cured Steel fiber reinforced specimens at 1, 7 and 28 days, respectively

Flexural strength of mixtures

Mix ID Average max. flexural load (kN) Average flexural strength (MPa) COV in flexural strength (%)
WP-28 15.22 4.06 16.28
WS-28 18.61 4.97 15.19
AP-28 14.80 3.95 13.37
AS-28 17.07 4.55 2.01
SP-28 15.30 4.09 16.43
SS-28 16.86 4.50 10.98

Application process of steam curing

Max. temperature (°C) Initial temperature (°C) Delay period (hour) Increment/decrement of temperature (°C/hour) Duration of max. temperature Total duration steam curing (hour)
65 15 5 25 8 17

Compressive strength of mixtures

Mix ID Average compressive strength (MPa) COV in compressive strength (%)
WP-3 11.90 5.21
WP-7 22.66 11.09
WP-28 28.76 11.37
WS-3 13.49 8.44
WS-7 23.18 4.87
WS-28 29.38 3.37
AP-3 11.87 10.48
AP-7 19.86 15.78
AP-28 26.04 12.76
AS-3 12.48 8.10
AS-7 17.62 13.63
AS-28 26.35 15.19
SP-1 13.64 10.16
SP-7 23.20 0.54
SP-28 26.00 1.84
SS-1 13.06 7.06
SS-7 19.27 2.07
SS-28 22.96 3.66

Physical properties of aggregates

0–4 mm 4–12 mm 4–12 mm
(0-0.16 inches) (0.16-0.47 inches) (0.47-0.86 inches)
Specific gravity 2.66 2.67 2.68
Water absorption rate (%) 2.50 0.50 0.50
Dry weight 487 903 547
Saturated surface dry weight 500 907 549
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Architecture and Design, Architecture, Architects, Buildings