
Rotavirus infections are a leading cause of severe gastroenteritis in children under five years of age. Before introduction of vaccination for rotavirus 100–150 million cases of the infections were recorded globally with 500 000 of deaths. The first rotavirus vaccines were designed in 1980s. In 2007 two oral rotavirus vaccines containing live attenuated strains were registered in Europe: the monovalent vaccine Rotarix (RV1) and the pentavalent vaccine Rotateq (RV5). The vaccines are available all over the world.

After introduction of rotavirus vaccination the number of infections decreased significantly and the number of deaths due to rotavirus gastroenteritis in children decreased over 50% globally. However, despite of confirmed safety and effectiveness of the RV1 and RV5 vaccines fear of vaccination against rotavirus infection still exists. It can be related to a bad reputation of the previous rotavirus vaccines that were withdrawn from the market or were never introduced to the market due to unsatisfied clinical tests.

1. Molecular characteristic of rotaviruses. 2. Pathogenesis of rotavirus infection. 3. Studies on rotavirus vaccines. 4. Epidemiology of rotavirus infection. 5. Herd immunity. 6. Fear of vaccination against rotavirus infection 7. Summary

English, Polish
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Life Sciences, Microbiology and Virology