Open Access

Good Manners and the Prohibition on the Abuse of Rights in Slovak Labor Law

   | Jul 20, 2021


The author of this article tries to summarize and provide knowledge about good manners, and places them in the context of labor law in the Slovak Republic. Good manners serve as a criterion that restricts subjective rights in their content, or often as a criterion that limits the exercise of subjective rights. They represent a positive limit to the exercise of rights and obligations arising from employment relationships. The term “good manners” is not defined in law, but we encounter this corrective directly within the basic principles in Art. 2 of the Labor Code. The negative limit on the exercise of subjective rights and obligations arising from employment relationships is the prohibition on abusing these rights to the detriment of the other party to the employment relationship or co-employees. According to the provisions on the invalidity of legal acts, the subject’s conduct contrary to good manners and abuses of rights are subject to absolute invalidity. The prohibition on the abuse of rights is a legal norm, the violation of which by an authorized subject is an illegal act.

English, Polish
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Law, International Law, Foreign Law, Comparative Law, other, European Law, Social Sciences, Political Science