Open Access

A Review of the Role of Exercise and Factors Affecting its Uptake for People with Chronic Kidney Disease (Ckd) not Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy/ Преглед На Улогата На Вежбањето И Факторите Што Влијаат На Неговата Примена Кај Лица Со Хронична Бубрежна Болест (Хбб) За Кои Не Е Потребна Бубрежна Заменска Терапија


Heather J. MacKinnon
Leicester Kidney Exercise Team, University of Leicester Academic Unit, Leicester General Hospital
JohnWalls Renal Unit, Leicester General Hospital, UK
John Feehally
Leicester Kidney Exercise Team, University of Leicester Academic Unit, Leicester General Hospital
Alice C. Smith
Leicester Kidney Exercise Team, University of Leicester Academic Unit, Leicester General Hospital
JohnWalls Renal Unit, Leicester General Hospital, UK
Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Medicine, Basic Medical Science, History and Ethics of Medicine, Clinical Medicine, other, Social Sciences, Education