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Biodiversity of benthic diatom flora in the coastal zone of Puck Bay (southern Baltic Sea): a case study of the Hel Peninsula


Figure 1

Location of the sampling sites in the Hel Peninsula; 1 – stones, 2 – sands, 3 – seagrass, 4 – macroalgae, RD – Rzucewo Deep, KP – Kuźnica Passage
Location of the sampling sites in the Hel Peninsula; 1 – stones, 2 – sands, 3 – seagrass, 4 – macroalgae, RD – Rzucewo Deep, KP – Kuźnica Passage

Figure 2

Percentage content of the diatom ecological groups in epilithon and epipsammon
Percentage content of the diatom ecological groups in epilithon and epipsammon

Figure 3

Frequency of the main diatom taxa in epilithon and epipsammon; eu-meso – eu-mesotraphentic, meso – mesotraphentic, oligo – oligotraphentic
Frequency of the main diatom taxa in epilithon and epipsammon; eu-meso – eu-mesotraphentic, meso – mesotraphentic, oligo – oligotraphentic

Figure 4

Percentage content of diatom ecological groups in epiphyton (seagrass and macroalgae)
Percentage content of diatom ecological groups in epiphyton (seagrass and macroalgae)

Figure 5

Frequency of the main diatom taxa in epiphyton (seagrass and macroalgae); eu-meso – eu-mesotraphentic, meso – mesotraphentic, oligo – oligotraphentic
Frequency of the main diatom taxa in epiphyton (seagrass and macroalgae); eu-meso – eu-mesotraphentic, meso – mesotraphentic, oligo – oligotraphentic

Distribution and autecology of the main diatom taxa in the study area

Diatom taxa Salinity

for explanations see Table 3

Trophic status

for explanations see Table 3


for explanations see Table 3

Epilithon Epipsammon Epiphyton
Cocconeis pediculus Ehrenberg oh et bms
C. placentula var. euglypta (Ehrenberg) Grunow oi et bms
C. placentula var. placentula Ehrenberg oi et bms
C. scutellum var. scutellum Ehrenberg eh et bms
Catenula adhaerens Mereschkovsky eh et bms
Ctenophora pulchella (Ralfs ex Kützing) D.M. Williams & Round oh et ams
Denti cula creti cola (Østrup) Lange-Bertalot & Krammer mh ir ir
Diatoma moniliformis (Kützing) D.M. Williams oh et bms
Diatoma tenuis C. Agardh oi mt ams
Fallacia clepsidroides Witkowski mh ir ir
Gedaniella fl avovirens (Takano) Li, Witkowski & Ashworth mh et ams
G. guenter-grassii (Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot) Li, Sato & Witkowski mh ot os
G. mutabilis (Grunow) Li & Witkowski mh et bms
Gomphonema olivaceum (Hornemann) Ehrenberg oi emt bms
Gomphonemopsis obscura (Krasske) Lange-Bertalot mh ir ir
Halamphora coffeaeformis (C. Agardh) Mereschkowsky eh et ams
Mastogloia pumila (Grunow) Cleve eh ir ir
M. smithii Thwaites ex W. Smith oh ir ir
N. germanopolonica Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot mh emt bms
N. gregaria Donkin mh et ams
N. paul-schulzii Witkowski & Lange-Bertalot mh ir ir
N. perminuta Grunow in Van Heurck mh mt ps
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow oh et bms
Opephora krumbeinii Witkowski, Witak & Stachura eh et bms
Planothidium delicatulum (Kützing) Round & Bukhti yarova mh et bms
P. engelbrechti i (Cholnoky) Round & Bukhti yarova mh et bms
Rhoicosphaenia abbreviata (C. Agardh) Lange-Bertalot oh et ams
Staurosira venter (Ehrenberg) Cleve & Möller oi met bms
Tabularia fasciculata (C.Agardh) D.M.Williams & Round mh et abms

The number of diatom taxa (species, subspecies, varieties, forms) vs ecological preferences


eh – euhalobous, mh – mesohalobous, oh – oligohalobous halophilous, oi – oligohalobous indifl erent

Trophic status

et – eutraphentic, emt – eu-mesotraphentic, mt – mesotraphentic, ot – oligotraphentic, edt – eu-dystraphentic, ir – irrelevant


ps – polysaprobous, ams – α-mesosaprobous, abms – α-β-mesosaprobous, bms – β-mesosaprobous, os – oligosaprobous, x – xenosaprobous, ir – irrelevant

eh mh oh oi et emt mt ot edt ir ps ams abms bms os x ir
Epilithon 8 27 16 21 35 10 2 5 1 19 2 17 3 24 4 - 22 72
Epipsammon 12 36 17 25 39 13 4 8 1 25 2 13 4 26 8 1 36 90
Epiphyton 13 33 17 22 33 8 4 7 2 31 2 16 3 22 2 1 39 85
Total 19 50 24 40 51 17 7 12 2 44 2 21 5 36 13 1 55 133

Parameters of the analyzed samples

Samples Φ λ Location Type of substrate
sediments macroflora
stones sand seagrass macroalgae
HP1/1014 54°35ʹ34.2ʹʹN 18°48ʹ38.8ʹʹE Hel
HP2/1014 54°35ʹ39.3ʹʹN 18°48ʹ35.7ʹʹE Hel
HP3/1014 54°35ʹ41.2ʹʹN 18°48ʹ30.6ʹʹE Hel
HP4/1014 54°36ʹ22.7ʹʹN 18°47ʹ59.6ʹʹE Hel
HP5/1014 54°40ʹ51.98ʹʹN 18°42ʹ29.48ʹʹE Jurata
HP6/1014 54°40ʹ56.3ʹʹN 18°42ʹ36.4ʹʹE Jurata
HP7/1014 54°41ʹ38.6ʹʹN 18°40ʹ21.1ʹʹE Jastarnia
HP8/1014 54°41ʹ45.5ʹʹN 18°40ʹ13.8ʹʹE Jastarnia
HP9/1014 54°47ʹ10.4ʹʹN 18°25ʹ18.3ʹʹE Jastarnia
HP10/1014 54°41ʹ05.4ʹʹN 18°40ʹ13.3ʹʹE Kuźnica
HP11/1014 54°44ʹ01.2ʹʹN 18°35ʹ13.2ʹʹE Kuźnica
HP12/1014 54°44ʹ13.3ʹʹN 18°34ʹ42.7ʹʹE Kuźnica
HP13/1014 54°44ʹ52.1ʹʹN 18°32ʹ47.1ʹʹE Chałupy
HP14/1014 54°45ʹ30.3ʹʹN 18°30ʹ59.1ʹʹE Chałupy
HP15/1014 54°45ʹ40.6ʹʹN 18°30ʹ24.1ʹʹE Chałupy
HP16/1014 54°46ʹ29.9ʹʹN 18°27ʹ56.5ʹʹE Chałupy

Classification of the diatom flora according to autecological preferences

Habitat: Salinity:
planktic – living in the water column euhalobous – marine species with the optimum at salinity of 30–40 PSU
benthic – developing on any type of substrate: mesohalobous – brackish-water species living at salinity of 5–20 PSU
          epilithon – growing on stones oligohalobous – species living in fresh water:
          epiphyton – growing on plants           halophilous – reaching the optimum at salinity < 5 PSU
          epipsammon – growing on sands           indifferent – euryhaline forms tolerating a low content of salts
          halophobous – stenohaline forms that do not tolerate even the lowest salinity
Trophic status: Saprobity:
eutraphentic – living in very fertile water polysaprobous – living in heavily polluted water
eu-mesotraphenti c – living in fertile water α-mesosaprobous – living in moderately polluted water
mesotraphentic – living in water of moderate fertility α-β-mesosaprobous – living in intermediate conditions between α- and β-mesosaprobity
meso-oligotraphenti c – living in relatively nutrient-poor water
oligotraphentic – living in nutrient-poor water β-mesosaprobous – living in less polluted water
eu-dystraphenti c – diatoms with high nutrient tolerance oligosaprobous – living in low polluted water
xenosaprobous – living in clean water
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Chemistry, other, Geosciences, Life Sciences