Open Access

Influence of Parameterization of Some Physical Processes in Soils on Numerical Meteorological Forecasts of Surface Fields


Physical processes in soil-plant-water system are very complicated. Complex physical processes in soil, in particular interaction between soil-plant-water system have significant influence on processes in Planetary Boundary Layer. Changes of soil state can significantly modify processes in the PBL and meteorological fields. Since numerical models are to determine the forecast of high quality, the physical processes occurring in soil should be properly described and then appropriately introduced into a model. Every process in soil occurs on a smaller scale than original model’s domain, so it should be described via adequate parameterization. Overall, soil parameterizations implemented in current numerical weather prediction (NWP) model(s) were prepared almost 40 years ago, when NWP models worked with very poor resolution mesh. Since nowadays NWP works over domains of high resolution, these “old” schemes parameterization must be adequately revised. In this paper preliminary results of changes of parameterization of soil processes will be presented.

Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Geosciences, Geography, other