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Rights within Obligations and Responsibilities

   | Jul 27, 2016


[1] Cf. Vassilev, V. Theory of Management, Varna, 2013, p.74Search in Google Scholar

[2] Cf. Dikov, L. Course in Bulgarian Civil Law, Volume I, General Part, Printing house. K. Ovcharov, S., 1940, p.130. Prof. Dikov defines these obligations as a legal condition for exercising a subjective right.Search in Google Scholar

[3] Cf. Ganeva-Belova, G. Current Trends in the Protection of Human Rights, Classic Design, S., 2013, p. 48Search in Google Scholar

[4] Cf. Kelsen, H. The Pure Doctrine of the Law, Yurispres, S., 1995, p. 45Search in Google Scholar

[5] Cf. Dworkin, R. To relate to rights seriously, IK HS, S., 2003, p. 38Search in Google Scholar

[6] Cf. Hayek, F. Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume I, Legal norms and Rule of law, University Publishing House “St. Kliment Ohridski “, S., 1996, p. 128Search in Google Scholar

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[8] Cf. Marin, N. Jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, University Publishing House “Neofit Rilsky”, Blagoevgrad, 2011, pp.63-69Search in Google Scholar

[9] Cf. Fries, Pilosophishe Rechtslehre, 1803, p.7. In that sense, it is the provision of Art.1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Art. 6, Para. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, according to the content of which, the freedom is inherent in every person from the moment of his birth, as well as the equality in dignity and rights.Search in Google Scholar

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[11] Cf. Mihailov, G. Matrix of the Legislative Activity, Proceedings of Student Scientific Session-SNS'14, Law, Politics, Administration, 2014, p.7Search in Google Scholar

[12] Cf. Kolev, T. Law and Right as a Cultural Phenomenon, Ciela, S., 2015, p. 2Search in Google Scholar

[13] Cf. Habermas, J. Citizenship and National Identity. Between Facts and Norms, Cambridge, 1997, pp. 497-498.Search in Google Scholar

Del Vecchio, J. Fairness, Yurispres, C, 1995, p. 108Search in Google Scholar

Dikov, L. Course in Bulgarian Civil Law, Volume I, General Part, Printing house. K. Ovcharov, S., 1940, p.130Search in Google Scholar

Dworkin, R. To relate to rights seriously, IK HS, S., 2003, p. 38Search in Google Scholar

Fries, Pilosophishe Rechtslehre, 1803, p.7Search in Google Scholar

Fuller, L. The Morality of Law, Yale University Press, 1969, p. 39Search in Google Scholar

Ganeva-Belova, G. Current Trends in the Protection of Human Rights, Classic Design, S., 2013, p. 48Search in Google Scholar

Habermas, J. Citizenship and National Identity. Between Facts and Norms, Cambridge, 1997, pp. 497-498Search in Google Scholar

Hayek, F. Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume I, Legal norms and Rule of Law, University Publishing House “St. Kliment Ohridski “, S., 1996, p. 128Search in Google Scholar

Kelsen, H. The Pure Doctrine of the Law, Yurispres, S., 1995, p. 45Search in Google Scholar

Kolev, T. Law and Right as a Cultural Phenomenon, Ciela, S., 2015, p. 21Search in Google Scholar

Marin, N. Jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, University Publishing House “Neofit Rilsky”, Blagoevgrad, 2011, pp.63-69Search in Google Scholar

Mihailov, G. Matrix of the Legislative Activity, Proceedings of Student Scientific Session-SNS'14, Law, Politics, Administration, 2014, p.7Search in Google Scholar

Vassilev, V. Theory of Management, Varna, 2013, p.74Search in Google Scholar