Open Access

Crimes Against the Carrying out of Justice in the Context of the Current Criminal Law


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2. D.A. Serban, G. Zlati, The New Criminal Code. The Special Part. Analyses, Explanations, Comments. The Cluj Perspective, Juridical Universe Publishing House, Bucharest, 2014Search in Google Scholar

3. Dungan, P., Medeanu T., Pasca V., Criminal Law. The special part. Comparative presentation of the new Criminal Code and Code of 1968, vol. I, Legal Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012Search in Google Scholar

4. Law no. 286/2009 - The Criminal Code of Romania Search in Google Scholar

Publication timeframe:
2 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Law, Commercial Law, other, Law of Civil Procedure, Voluntary Jurisdiction, Public Law, Criminal Law