Open Access

Functions of Uni- and Multi-citations: Implications for Weighted Citation Analysis


Figure 1

Percentage of unique cited references of different in-text frequency numbers by function.
Percentage of unique cited references of different in-text frequency numbers by function.

Figure 2

Percentage of unique cited references of different in-text frequency by level of infl uence.
Percentage of unique cited references of different in-text frequency by level of infl uence.

Figure 3

Percentage of in-text citations by location.
Percentage of in-text citations by location.

Distribution of unique cited references by in-text frequency and function.

1 citation108 (21%)255 (48%)102 (19%)12 (2%)54 (10%)531 (100%)
2 citations13 (10%)59 (45%)30 (23%)11 (9%)17 (13%)130 (100%)
3 citations2 (3%)30 (47%)12 (19%)7 (11%)13 (20%)64 (100%)
4 citations0 (0%)9 (24%)7 (19%)10 (27%)11 (30%)37 (100%)
5+ citations0 (0%)9 (19%)10 (21%)10 (21%)18 (39%)47 (100%)
Total123 (15%)362 (45%)161 (20%)50 (6%)113 (14%)809 (100%)

Distribution of unique cited references by in-text frequency and levels of influence.

Levels of influenceCitation frequency
Perfunctory only108 (20%)13 (10%)2 (3%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Perfunctory or reviewed only363 (68%)53 (41%)20 (31%)8 (22%)5 (11%)
Applied54 (10%)17 (13%)13 (20%)11 (30%)18 (38%)
Applied or contrastive66 (12%)28 (22%)20 (31%)21 (57%)28 (60%)
Applied or contrastive or supportive168 (32%)58 (45%)32 (50%)28 (76%)38 (81%)
Total unique531130643747

Distribution of all in-text citation occurrences by function.

# of in-text citation occurrences230759249791561,473
% of in-text citation occurrences15.6%51.5%17.0%5.0%11.0%100%

Distribution of in-text citations by the frequency with which they appear.

Citation frequency12345+All
# of unique cited references531130643747809
% of unique cited references66%16%8%5%6%100%
Total in-text occurrences5312601921483421,473
% of the in-text occurrences36%18%13%10%23%100%

In-text citations by function and location.

Introduction125 (32%)205 (52%)30 (8%)18 (5%)14 (4%)392 (100%)
Background5 (3%)175 (94%)5 (3%)1 (1%)0 (0%)186 (100%)
Related Studies/61 (21%)212 (72%)14 (5%)4 (1%)3 (1%)294 (100%)
Literature Review
Methodology9 (2%)120 (32%)126 (34%)24 (6%)92 (25%)371 (100%)
Results/Findings9 (8%)23 (19%)42 (36%)9 (8%)35 (30%)118 (100%)
Discussion/Conclusion21 (19%)24 (21%)32 (29%)23 (21%)12 (11%)112 (100%)
Total230 (16%)759 (52%)249 (17%)79 (5%)156 (11%)1,473 (100%)
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Computer Sciences, Information Technology, Project Management, Databases and Data Mining