
Location of Nawamis in the Sinai Peninsula for the sites of Gebel Gunna and Ain Khodra.
Location of Nawamis in the Sinai Peninsula for the sites of Gebel Gunna and Ain Khodra.

Actual sample obtained from the structures, wrapped in opaque bag to avoid sunlight. (scale: longer length ~4 cm). Here the opposite side is shown that is of no interest to dating for clarity of sample size and shape.
Actual sample obtained from the structures, wrapped in opaque bag to avoid sunlight. (scale: longer length ~4 cm). Here the opposite side is shown that is of no interest to dating for clarity of sample size and shape.

a) Gebel Gunna No 6. The sampling point (scale of white paper length 20 cm) where piece of slab was taken from inside the tomb, by a hammer and chisel b) another view of the inside with the slabs and rough construction, and c) a view of the back that indicates the construction manner. Height of tombs ~ 2 meters and wall width ~ 1 m (The A4 white paper sheet acts as a scale on the external wall) d) Ain Khodra no 8 sampling from back side, and e) the entrance face (scale as A4 paper and in sampling point paper length is 20 cm) f) also a cluster of tombs around the sampled one.
a) Gebel Gunna No 6. The sampling point (scale of white paper length 20 cm) where piece of slab was taken from inside the tomb, by a hammer and chisel b) another view of the inside with the slabs and rough construction, and c) a view of the back that indicates the construction manner. Height of tombs ~ 2 meters and wall width ~ 1 m (The A4 white paper sheet acts as a scale on the external wall) d) Ain Khodra no 8 sampling from back side, and e) the entrance face (scale as A4 paper and in sampling point paper length is 20 cm) f) also a cluster of tombs around the sampled one.

Composite diagram including the X-ray diffraction patterns of all the samples analysed. Mineral abbreviations are according to Kretz (1983) (main mineral phases Qtz: quartz, Kln: kaolinite, Cal: calcite; Hem: hematite).
Composite diagram including the X-ray diffraction patterns of all the samples analysed. Mineral abbreviations are according to Kretz (1983) (main mineral phases Qtz: quartz, Kln: kaolinite, Cal: calcite; Hem: hematite).

OSL shine-down curve from sample AK.8.2.4.
OSL shine-down curve from sample AK.8.2.4.

a) (upper). Sampling three ROI as aliquot powder at a depth of around 1 mm, from Gebel Gunna, (GG6.1, GG6.2, GG6.3), B1) Ain Khodra, AK8.1.1, AK8.1.2; B2) US upper slab’s surface (AK8.2.1, 8.2.2), LS lower slab’s surface (AK8.2.3, AK8.2.4).
a) (upper). Sampling three ROI as aliquot powder at a depth of around 1 mm, from Gebel Gunna, (GG6.1, GG6.2, GG6.3), B1) Ain Khodra, AK8.1.1, AK8.1.2; B2) US upper slab’s surface (AK8.2.1, 8.2.2), LS lower slab’s surface (AK8.2.3, AK8.2.4).

A multiple dose recovery test (REC numbers) on same 2 aliquots (dose ratio versus the number of measurements): one from sample GG6.2 (diamonds) and one from sample AK.8.2.4 (squares). The numbers shown are the raios measured, together with their errors.
A multiple dose recovery test (REC numbers) on same 2 aliquots (dose ratio versus the number of measurements): one from sample GG6.2 (diamonds) and one from sample AK.8.2.4 (squares). The numbers shown are the raios measured, together with their errors.

Pre-heat test using 2 aliquots as in Fig. 6.
Pre-heat test using 2 aliquots as in Fig. 6.

Mineralogical composition of the analyzed samples as deter-mined through XRD analysis. Airp stands for rocks around airport (+: dominant; x: present; tr: traces; -: not determined).

Sample IDquartzkaolinitecalcitemuscovitehematitelazuritegypsum
Airp 1+xxtr
Airp 2+xtrtrtr
Airp 3+xx----
Airp 5+xtr
Airp 7+x--x--
Airp 14+xxtr
Airp 6 (Ain Khodra 8.1)+xtr
Gebel Gunna 6+x-trtr--

Luminescence measurements data. (GB: Gebel Gunna, AK: Ain Khodra).

Sample NoU(ppm)Th (Ppm)K (%)Rb (Ppm)DYED

Numbers in brackets in this column indicate number of aliquots measured. The attached errors in all rows were calculated in 1σ probability; for the errors standard errors given in the ED values, these represent the standard errors of the mean value (e.g. 0.33 for 3 aliquots in samples GG6.1).

Age(yrs BC)Annual Dose,(mGy/yr)

Errors 7−12%.

GG6.10.55 ± 0.0774.97 ± 0.320.21 ± 0.00810.50.85 ± 0.1

Half from lower plus half upper 2 mm layer of sand of 0.58 mGy/yr. Includes internal quartz dose.

0.43 ± 0.04

For GG6.1 final Dy see text, includes cosmic rays dose rate.

4.83 ± 0.33 (3)1800 ± 3201.28
GG6.2>>>>>>>>>>>>5.60 ± 0.45 (5)2370 ± 300>>
GG6.3>>>>>>>>>>>>5.75 ± 0.75 (3)2490 ± 450>>
Average2220 ± 300
Sand (floor)4.0 ± 0.0913.8 ± 1.02.50 ± 0.1123

For AK8.1.1 sample derives from external wall. 6.

0.89 ± 0.072.98 ± 0.230.1175 ± 0.00560.20 ± 0.007

Thickness of sandy powder 3 mm of 0.08 mGy/yr, betas include internal quartz dose.

0.85 ± 0.044.89 ± 0.23 (2)2660 ± 2301.05
AK8.1.2>>>>>>>>>>>>4.69 ± 0.35(2)2470 ± 300>>
Average2560 ± 250
AK8.2.13.68 ± 0.35(3)1500 ± 350>>
AK8.2.23.48 ± 0.23(3)1310 ±230>>
Average1400± 280

AK8.2 derives from adjacent slab of AK8.1; Upper slab’s surface is AK8.2.1 and 8.2.2; Lower slab’s surface is AK8.2.3 and AK8.2.4, not averaged due to large difference.

AK8.2.34.34 ± 0.40 (5)2130 ± 370>>
AK8.2.43.13 ± 0.25 (7)980 ± 240>>
Publication timeframe:
Volume Open
Journal Subjects:
Geosciences, other