
Fig. 1.

The list of the ecosystem services (ES) provided by trees investigated in the research. Source: own study.
The list of the ecosystem services (ES) provided by trees investigated in the research. Source: own study.

Photo 1.

Source: taken by the authors.
Source: taken by the authors.

Fig. 2.

The number of trees identified by the respondents answering the questionnaire indoors or outdoors.
Source: own study.
The number of trees identified by the respondents answering the questionnaire indoors or outdoors. Source: own study.

Fig. 3.

The number of ES indications for IN and OUT locations, for all trees indicated. Source: own study.
The number of ES indications for IN and OUT locations, for all trees indicated. Source: own study.

Fig. 4.

The number of ES indications for IN and OUT locations, for the first tree indicated. Source: own study.
The number of ES indications for IN and OUT locations, for the first tree indicated. Source: own study.

The difference between the number of ecosystem services (ES) indicated indoors (IN) and outdoors (OUT) and the general number of ES in Gdańsk (Gda) and Poznań (Poz), expressed as a percentage of each ES imitated in a given group (IN/OUT/Gda/Poz).

Ecosystem services All trees First tree Difference between cities
IN [%] OUT [%] Chi2 P IN [%] OUT [%] Chi2 P Gda [%] Poz [%] Chi2 P
Oxygen source 11 11 0.010 0.920 12 12 0.598 0.439 10 11 0.789 0.374
Wind protection 6 6 0.162 0.687 6 6 0.507 0.476 5 8 3.165 0.075
Delivery of fruit and nuts 3 3 0.101 0.751 3 3 0.293 0.588 3 3 0.067 0.796
Tree as witness to history 2 2 0.100 0.752 2 2 0.839 0.360 3 2 0.159 0.690
Supplying wood, branches and leaves 1 2 0.089 0.765 1 2 0.614 0.433 2 1 0.479 0.489
Noise reduction 6 6 0.016 0.899 5 6 0.798 0.372 5 7 1.302 0.254
Impact on aesthetics of space 11 9 3.194 0.079 13 10 1.013 0.314 11 9 2.739 0.098
Educational usefulness 2 3 1.591 0.207 1 3 3.514 0.061 2 3 0.419 0.517
Sense of intimacy, separating from neighbours 5 3 1.790 0.181 4 4 0.031 0.861 5 3 1.070 0.301
Positive impact on health and well-being 9 9 0.010 0.920 9 9 0.318 0.572 9 9 0.061 0.805
Habitat and food source for animals 7 7 0.026 0.872 6 7 0.684 0.408 7 7 0.003 0.958
Regulating air humidity and soil moisture 5 5 0.256 0.613 5 5 0.147 0.701 5 5 0.027 0.869
Strengthening interpersonal bonds 4 3 0.849 0.357 4 3 0.000 0.997 4 3 0.361 0.548
Air purification 9 10 0.265 0.607 10 10 0.648 0.421 9 10 0.436 0.509
Protection against snowdrifts 2 1 0.987 0.320 2 1 0.773 0.379 2 2 0.038 0.845
Place of recreation 9 9 0.016 0.899 8 8 0.754 0.385 9 9 0.001 0.973
Sun protection (shade) 8 10 0.276 0.599 8 10 1.579 0.108 8 10 1.149 0.284

The number of questionnaires given by location.

Outdoors Indoors Total
Total outdoors Male Female Total indoors Male Female
Gdańsk 21 9 12 55 24 31 76
Poznań 20 7 13 22 6 16 42
Total 41 16 25 77 30 47 118
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Geosciences, Geography