Open Access

European Funds and the Dynamics of Economic Growth Among Eu Regions: A Spatial Modelling Approach


Results of conditional β-convergence modelling in a spatial approach with the use of an SDM form.

Weights matrix → W1 (contiguity) W2 (distance) W3 (flow) W4 (block)
Variable ↓ Coeff. Prob. Coeff. Prob. Coeff. Prob. Coeff. Prob.
LAG_LN_Y 0.500 0.0000 −0.903 0.0000 0.278 0.0035 0.651 0.0000
CONSTANT 0.826 0.0001 1.930 0.0004 1.877 0.0000 0.562 0.0086
LN_EU_FUNDS −0.006 0.3050 0.003 0.5801 0.007 0.2838 0.006 0.1957
LN_GDPpc07 −0.006 0.6663 −0.043 0.0048 −0.028 0.0716 −0.005 0.6844
LN_INVEST 0.126 0.0000 0.155 0.0000 0.128 0.0000 0.098 0.0000
LN_LABOR 0.606 0.0013 0.516 0.0153 0.495 0.0286 0.515 0.0018
LN_INNOV 0.102 0.0028 0.102 0.0054 0.065 0.1355 0.076 0.0505
LAG_LN_GDPpc07 −0.074 0.0003 −0.170 0.0007 −0.156 0.0000 −0.049 0.0188
LAG_LN_EU_FUNDS 0.013 0.0696 0.071 0.0000 0.008 0.4339 −0.002 0.8243
LAG_LN_INVEST 0.030 0.2533 0.539 0.0000 0.167 0.0000 0.018 0.5068
LAG_LN_LABOR −0.387 0.0699 −0.099 0.9104 0.283 0.5247 −0.618 0.0058
LAG_LN_INNOV −0.091 0.0520 0.200 0.1080 −0.003 0.9701 −0.079 0.0923
Pseudo R2 0.828 0.781 0.795 0.865
Log likelihood 367.079 348.556 357.995 394.95
AIC −710.159 −673.112 −691.99 −765.901

Results of conditional β-convergence modelling in a spatial approach with the use of a SAR form.

Weights matrix → W1 (contiguity) W2 (distance) W3 (flow) W4 (block)
Variable ↓ Coeff. Prob. Coeff. Prob. Coeff. Prob. Coeff. Prob.
LAG_LN_Y 0.495 0.0000 0.622 0.0000 0.573 0.0000 0.582 0.0000
CONSTANT 0.508 0.0009 0.804 0.0000 0.307 0.0331 0.286 0.0456
LN_GDPpc07 −0.049 0.0002 −0.085 0.0000 −0.033 0.0097 −0.030 0.0154
LN_EU_FUNDS 0.009 0.0423 0.015 0.0024 0.011 0.0055 0.013 0.0008
LN_INVEST 0.162 0.0000 0.209 0.0000 0.114 0.0000 0.130 0.0000
LN_LABOR 0.400 0.0253 0.414 0.0424 0.522 0.0014 0.401 0.0155
LN_INNOV 0.076 0.0010 0.122 0.0003 0.044 0.0108 0.055 0.0499
Pseudo R2 0.788 0.722 0.802 0.818
Log likelihood 344.738 317.553 354.265 367.000
AIC −675.475 −621.107 −694.53 −720.001

Results of conditional β-convergence modelling with the classic OLS method.

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Probability
CONSTANT 1.068 0.183 5.825 0.0000
LN_GDPpc07 −0.102 0.016 −6.403 0.0000
LN_EU_FUNDS 0.014 0.005 2.675 0.0080
LN_INVEST 0.263 0.015 17.017 0.0000
LN_LABOR 0.483 0.221 2.179 0.0302
LN_INNOV 0.097 0.036 2.659 0.0083
Regression diagnostics
R2 = 0.681 JB test = 56.92 ( p = 0.0000)
Log likelihood = 300.256 BP test = 10.07 ( p = 0.0773)
AIC = -588.513 KB test = 4.23 ( p = 0.5160)
Diagnostics for spatial dependence: Moran’s I Lagrange Multiplier tests
W1 matrix (contiguity) 0.2740 (p = 0.0000) LM(SAR) > LM(SEM) RLM(SAR) > RLM(SEM)
W2 matrix (distance) 0.1201 (p = 0.0000) LM(SAR) > LM(SEM) RLM(SAR) > RLM(SEM)
W3 matrix (flows) 0.2557 (p = 0.0000) LM(SAR) > LM(SEM) RLM(SAR) > RLM(SEM)
W4 matrix (block) 0.3451 (p = 0.0000) LM(SAR) > LM(SEM) RLM(SAR) > RLM(SEM)
Publication timeframe:
4 times per year
Journal Subjects:
Geosciences, Geography