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Editor in Chief
Professor Rob Ackrill, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Associate Editors
Atanu Bhuyan, Indian Institute of Management Kashipur, India (urban mobility in emerging economies)
Chris Callaghan, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa (innovation and economic development)
Floris de Haan, Erasmus Centre for Urban Port and Transport Economics, The Netherlands (aviation)
René Taudal Poulsen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (shipping)
Louise Reardon, University of Birmingham, UK (policy and governance)
Peter Wells, Cardiff University, UK (automotive)
Aalok Kumar, Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam, India (sustainable public and freight mobility)

Editorial Advisory Board
Kris Beuret OBE, Social Research Associates
Rob Gorton, Automotive Council, UK
Paul Lienert, Reuters, USA
Matthew Niblett, Independent Transport Commission, UK
Bridget Rosewell CBE, Volterra Consulting
Christof Schernus, EARPA, Germany
Baback Yazdani, Nottingham Business School, UK
Michael Zhang, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK

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