Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications's Cover Image

Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications

The Journal of Slovak Academy of Sciences
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Informazioni sulla rivista
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To submit a paper:

Pdf file should be submitted in accord with instruction on the page www.mat.savba.sk/ojs/index.php/TATRA/information/authors

or addressed via e-mail to the editors of the volume.

The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.

Volumes of our journal are prepared by TeX using LaTeX (Tatra instruction for writting paper).

As a help, you could try the following files: ( TMMP_Brief_template.zip), ( TMMP_Brief_template.tex) and ( TMMP_Brief_template.pdf).

We prefer section Bibliography-Referemces to be prepared using BibTex with one of already existing styles *.bst ({plain},{amsplain},{alpha}, {misas}...). During compilation the files {*.bib, *.bbl, *bgl} are created. Source file with your references *.bib must be in a common folder with a source-file.tex of your paper prepared in LaTex (documentclass[12pt]{article}) similarly, as files of figures if there are any. Concerning the Tatra Style: tatra.mat.savba.sk: This is the version available for authors to do corrections (Galley Proofs) directly in the source Latex files and compile it without Logos. The full version of Tatra Style tatra10_sciendo_CC.cls: - can use only our editorial office.

All papers are refereed. When a paper is accepted we appreciate sending us the final version of your paper in LATEX with:

  • A short abstract summarizing the article.
  • The 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification given on www.zentralblatt-math.org/msc/en.
  • A list of key words and phrases.
  • Name and number of the supporting Grant.
  • For journal abbreviation used in bibliographies, see the list "Abbreviations of names of serials" given in the latest Mathematical Reviews Annual Index or at www.ams.org/msnhtml/serials.pdf.
  • Figures in articles should be prepared with TeX packages or included as EPS files, exported minimally in resolution 300 dpi or higher.
  • Legends for graphics should be written using free-available fonts, e.g., TeX-fonts, do not use commercial fonts -— our software may not recognize all types of existing fonts. Unrecognized fonts could be embedded incorrectly.
  • Figures should be exported in Black/White or Greyscale, and coloured figures should be exported in the palette CMYK.
  • Full current addresses (institute, university, street, number of the street, code of the country – city, state) and
  • e-mail addresses of all authors and co-authors should be included in the article, too. After volumes have come out we will send one volume and offprints to each author's address.
  • The final version of the paper in Tatra style must have an even number of printed pages ( with text, figure, ... ) On the last page, should be not only address(es) but any text or at least one, better, two items of reference.).It should not be vacant, (a paper starts on the right side, odd number of page, e.g., 9 --- ends on the left side-even numer of page, e.g., 14.)

Some volumes indexed in Science Citation Index can be found on the website www.isiknowledge.com. (Available only to licensed users.)

Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications is selectively covered as a book series. Unfortunately, there are only certain volumes in that database.

How you can searh covered volumes:

  1. Type to your Internet Explorer www.isiknowledge.com to open "Main Window of ISI Web of Knowledge";
  2. Select the folder "Current Contents Connect";
  3. Type Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications in the search box, next in the menu table select publication ,name;
  4. Type a subtitle, for example, "Harmonic Analysis and Tone Systems", next in the menu table select publication name again;
  5. You can select or type the year of publishing in the timespan tables;
  6. Tick "Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences" or all.
  7. Choose the search button;
  8. You will find all the papers of the requested volume if it has been covered.

Other posssibility is searching in accord with the alphebetical order:

  1. Type to your Internet Explorer www.isiknowledge.com to open the"Main Window of ISI Web of Knowledge";
  2. Select the folder "Current Contents Connect";
  3. Chose the table "Browse journals";
  4. Chose the first letter of the subtitle of Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., for example, "T" for "TatraCrypt 01";
  5. Next you will find this issue in accord with the alphabetical order.

The instructions for registering your new account,
or resetting the password are available at
page under INFORMATION, link For Authors.

Papers are licensed under the Creative Commons Atrobution-NC-ND4.0 International Public License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0))

Open Access Statement

The journal is an Open Access journal that allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.

Frequenza di pubblicazione:
3 volte all'anno
Argomenti della rivista:
Mathematics, General Mathematics