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Special Issue of the Irish Journal of Management
Enterprise Education: The Path to Entrepreneurial Mindsets?

The deadline for submissions is 31st January 2024 but this may be extended, depending on submissions.

All manuscripts should be submitted to the journal via Editorial Manager.

Authors are strongly advised to consult one or more recent issues of IJM before submitting manuscripts for publication – please see submission guidelines for full details.

To ensure anonymous review, authors should not identify themselves in the text but should include a separate sheet with a short biography of 50-75 words.

Manuscripts submitted should not have been previously published or under concurrent consideration at another journal.

If you have a query on the suitability of a paper for the Irish Journal of Management, please contact the Editors: Dr Marian Crowley-Henry or Dr Kristel Miller at ijm@iamireland.ie.

Open Access Statement

The journal is an Open Access journal that allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.

Open Access License
