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Article Processing Charge (APC)

There are no fees for submitting and publishing an article in Discourses on Culture.


1. The journal Discourses on Culture (DoC) publishes English language texts in the form of:

  • empirical, conceptual and critical articles (maximum 8000 words including the abstract, bibliography and annotations)
  • book reviews (maximum 1 500 words including references).

2. DoC conducts anonymised peer-review. When uploading your manuscript you will need to upload a manuscript file with no identifying author information (designate as Main Document) and a separate title page (designate as Title Page) with author details.

3. Only those articles submitted which are accompanied by the following completed documents will be considered for publication: – the statement about ghostwriting (i.e. concealing the identity of people who contributed to the creation of an article submitted for publication) – the statement about proprietary copyrights transfer – the declaration of consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of publication.

4. Articles must include the following sections in the order listed:

  • Name and surname
  • Affiliation
  • Title
  • Abstract (maximum 200 words)
  • Key words (3–5)
  • Body of the article divided into subsections without numbers.

5. The body of the text should be organized in accordance with the following model:

  • All the pictures and tables must have their number and title above. The source of the table / picture must be documented underneath.
  • References need to be organized according to APA style https://apastyle.apa.org/
  • In-text references: author’s surname, the year of publishing, quoted page or pages. The example: (Lange, 1961, p. 30) or (Jones, 2010, pp. 123–125).
  • We accept footnotes only when they contains additional information, not the source of information.
  • Please do not to use the hard space before conjunctives and prepositions.
  • Phonetic and/or unusual symbols used within a text should be compiled and sent to the editors printed separately and in electronic form. In addition, a PDF file created by the author containing the unusual fonts or symbols used should be attached.
  • All graphs and illustrations should be called Figure. Figures and tables should be accompanied by Arabic numerals throughout the text. Please do not use allcaps and capslock.

6. Should changes be suggested by the Editorial Board after the initial submission, these must be made before any subsequent submission.

7. By submitting their work, authors authorize the Editors to introduce minor changes to the submitted texts.

8. Non-native writers are also requested to have their articles proofread before submission in order to eliminate any lexico-grammatical or stylistic errors of English.

9. Reviews should be presented in accordance with the following model: The title of a review submitted for publication in DoC should name, in the following order:

  • the full name of the author of the book being reviewed
  • the book’s title in italics
  • if applicable, the name, volume or part of the series within which the book being reviewed was published
  • the name of the publisher
  • place and date of publication
  • the total number of pages, and in the case of a review of a translation, the translator’s full name.

10. The full name of the author of a review should be given at the foot of the review and be consistent with the format.

11. The non-commercial use of the articles will be governed under the license: From Volume 18/2022: CC BY-NC-ND https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Description of the peer review process is available here.
Guidelines for Reviewers are available here.
