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Romanian Journal of Occupational Medicine is a journal open to all those interested in understanding, conveying and promoting interest in this specialty area: defining and managing the effects of the environmental factors on the human body (workplace environment, interpersonal relations at workplace). Romanian Journal of Occupational Medicine is a peer-reviewed journal that is published continuously since 1991 by the Romanian Society of Occupational Medicine and it is the official publication of the Society. It is a multi-disciplinary journal covering clinical and scientific aspects of occupational and environmental health.

The journal publishes original scientific articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, review articles, case reports, medical practice reports and accepts only papers not published or submitted in other publications. The submission of manuscripts is free of charge for authors.

The journal is designed to harness occupational medicine research, and aims to provide a platform for clinicians, researchers and healthcare professionals in order to exchange novel ideas about occupational medicine, toxicology and ergonomics in topics that cover prevention, diagnosis, management of occupational diseases, work-related injury and diseases, health promotion in the workplace, disability rehabilitation and organizational behavior.
The journal promotes the publication of articles that contribute to increasing the quality of work in areas of interest in occupational medicine, such as occupational diseases and work-related diseases, occupational psychology and toxicology, environmental hygiene, occupational safety and health, ergonomics, recovery and reintegration from occupational diseases or workplace accidents.

​Our aim is to publish the most complete and reliable new clinical and scientific source of information on current developments in occupational and environmental health field and improve the recognition of occupational hazards and diseases not only among occupational specialists, but also among other medical specialties.


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The editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.
