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Submission Guidelines for the PEAD

All manuscripts should be submitted electronically on journal's Editorial System. They should be prepared in an electronic format ('doc', 'docx' or 'pdf' files) and less than 32 MB. Please note that the first-time users of the PEAD system have to create an account and follow the submission instructions.

  • Only original, unpublished yet scientific papers will be published in Power Electronics and Drives.
  • All articles will be reviewed by minimum two reviewers.
  • The manuscripts submitted for publication in PED should not exceed 20 pages of PED's template.
  • The manuscripts, written in UK English, should be typed using a PED template (please remember that equations should be written using MathType or Miscrosoft Equation Editor ).
  • Papers that fail to meet basic standards of literacy are likely to be declined immediately by the editors.
  • post-conference papers are also accepted, provided that appropriate changes are made to the original manuscript (min. 50%) - in case of doubts, please contact EiC
  • all manuscripts are checked with iThenticate anti-plagiarism software. In the case of plagiarism or allegation of research misconduct the paper will not be published until the authors refer to the doubts.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

Article Processing Charges for golden open access starting from 1st January 2024

The journal charges the following APC:

  • Article Processing Charge for OA:
    • for Europe - 150.00 Euro
    • for other countries - 160.00 USD
    • for Poland – 830 PLN (VAT included)

  • The fee for publishing an article covers up to 12 pages in PDF format of the journal template. If the article extends beyond 12 pages, the journal will charge an additional 10% of basic APC for each extra page.
  • Authors who will send their manuscript by the end of 2023 will not be charged with APC.
More information about APC can be found in the Regulations for APC payment or on the PEAD home page.

Articles appear on the web page continuously – Open Volume Mode.

Power Electronics and Drives journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.

To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not show their identity.
Names and affiliations under the title the manuscript should be removed in the first version of the paper.

The following templates are recommended to prepare a paper for PED journal:
PED template in Word
PED template in PDF
Recommended file format: Word

In the final version of the paper, changes suggested by the reviewers (and other) must be marked with other color.

Information about reviewing process

During reviewing process the reviewer is obliged to state whether there is a conflict of interest. Then he/she should check whether the ethical requirements are met. If this second condition is not fulfilled (eg. the work bears the hallmarks of plagiarism), the article is rejected.

During the second part of the reviewing process the detailed evaluation of the manuscript is performed. The reviewer assesses the compliance of the article subject with the profile of the journal,
Reviewer check the scope of the paper, significance, novelty of the issues raised and structure of the paper (abstract, keywords, way of the presentation, discussion quality, references, etc.). Significance of the obtained results is one of the most important issues evaluated by the reviewer.
Reviewer also checks the English grammar and spelling, correct PEAD format of a paper.
All the above aspects of the manuscript are rated on a scale of 0-6. If any of the aspects is rated at 0, the article is rejected.
The reviewer is required to provide a detailed comments and assessment for the authors and editors.

List of reviewers is presented on the web page,313.html

Open Access Statement

The journal is an Open Access journal that allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.

Open Access License

Rejection rate in journal Power Electronics and Drives (for two last years) is equal 32.65%

Average waiting time for reviews - 35 days.
Average article publication time 64 days

More information:

Mateusz Dybkowski
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Department of Electrical Machines, Drives and Measurements
ul. Smoluchowskiego 19, 50-370 Wroc³aw, Poland

phone: (+48) 71 3203246
fax: (+48) 71 3203467
