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Connections publishes original empirical, theoretical, tutorial, and methodological articles that use social network analysis. The journal seeks to publish significant work from any domain that is relevant to social network applications and methods. Review articles that critically review and synthesize a body of published research and commentaries or short papers in response to previous articles published in the journal are also welcome. As a new feature, we will now publish network datasets and instruments (which will be available on the website) and accompanied by a short article (not to exceed 2,500 words) describing the data. Authors who wish to submit a commentary, book review, network image or data set should first e-mail the editors with a brief description.

To publish in Connections, authors are not required to pay an article processing charge (APC).

Submitting Manuscripts

Authors are required to submit manuscripts online using the manuscript management system available here:
Feedback from the editor and reviewers will be sent to the corresponding author within three months after receipt. Revised or resubmitted manuscripts should include a detailed explanation of how the author has dealt with each of the reviewer's and Editor's comments. For questions or concerns about the submission process, authors should contact the editor at

Manuscripts must be in MS Word or WordPerfect format and should not exceed 40 pages including tables, figures and references. Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: title page, acknowledgments, abstract, text, references, appendices, and figure legends. Format and style of manuscript and references should conform to the conventions specified in the latest edition of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Include author's contact information in the title page. Abstracts should be limited to 250 words. Please embed all images, tables and figures in the document. If you have a large figure, you may also send it as a separate file. A figure and its legend should be sufficiently informative that the results can be understood without reference to the text.

Upon acceptance of a manuscript, Authors will be requested to sign Open Access Agreement prior to publication.

All of the articles will be blindly reviewed.

Data Exchange Network

The new DEN feature is to meet the goal of providing citable references for datasets and instruments. Submissions must include an electronic version of the network dataset and/or instrument and a short article (not to exceed 2,500 words) describing the data being submitted. These articles need not be as detailed as a full codebook, but should provide enough information that other researchers may appropriately use the data or measures. Additionally, the article should contain any information about the context from which the data were collected that may be relevant to others for appropriately using the data. All materials submitted for the DEN will be peer-reviewed to ensure the utility and usability of the data/instrument. Data should be submitted in the most generic format possible (preferably in Excel). Accepted DEN contributions must be described fully and clearly and any threats to validity should be made transparent.

Volume Open
Sujets de la revue:
Social Sciences, other