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Submit of articles to the next issue of NCR.
Submission by this link:

June issue: 31th of March
December issue: 30th of September

Editorial Policy Unpublised material: Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described is not copyrighted or published. The corresponding author should ensure that all authors approve the manuscript before its submission.

Conflict of interest: When authors submit a manuscript, they are responsible for recognizing and disclosing financial and/or other conflicts of interest that might bias their work and/or could inappropriately influence his/her judgment. If no specified acknowledgement is given, the Editors assume that no conflict of interest exists.

Copyright: All authors retain copyright, unless – due to their local circumstances – their work is not copyrighted. The non-commercial use of each article will be governed by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 license. The corresponding author automatically grants the journal exclusive license for commercial use of the article when submitting the final article.

Authorship: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be named in an Acknowledgement section. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors (according to the above definition) and no inappropriate co-authors are included in the author list of the manuscript, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Peer Review process: The Editors reserve the right to decline the submitted manuscript without review, if the studies reported are not sufficiently novel or important to merit publication in the journal. Manuscripts deemed unsuitable (insufficient originality or of limited interest to the target audience) are returned to the author(s) without review. The Editor may seek advice from experts in the appropriate field. Articles are refereed by a minimum of two reviewers.

The journal is Single-blind peer-reviewed.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

To publish in the Prague Journal of English Studies, authors are not required to pay an Article Processing Charge.

Open Access Statement

The journal is an Open Access journal that allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.

Calendario de la edición:
2 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Materials Sciences, Materials Processing