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Folia Oecologica

The journal of the Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
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All parts of the manuscript should be sent to the editorial office via the email address below:

Open Access Statement

The journal is an Open Access journal that allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.

Copyright and Licensing

The non-commercial use of articles will be governed by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license as currently displayed on

Under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license, the users are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit the contribution) under the following conditions: 1. they must attribute the contribution in the manner specified by the author or licensor, 2. they may not use this contribution for commercial purposes, 3. they may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

Authors retain the following rights: copyright, and other proprietary rights relating to the article, such as patent rights, except for commercial rights (transfer of commercial rights), the right to use the substance of the article in future own works, including lectures and books, the right to reproduce the article for own purposes, provided the copies are not offered for sale, the right to self-archive the article.

Open Access License

Instructions for authors

Folia Oecologica is an international scientific open access journal devoted to publishing peer-reviewed articles covering all aspects of both theoretical and applied ecology and related interdisciplinary fields, especially forestry, nature conservation, ecological economics etc. The journal publishes full-text papers, short communications and review articles.

The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.

The publisher and the owner of the journal is the Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The Folia Oecologica journal is accessible at

Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial office using the email address:

In addition to online publishing, we also offer print copies of the journal.

Editorial procedure

All submitted manuscripts are single blind peer-reviewed by two independent, anonymous expert reviewers.

The Editor-in-Chief appoints an Editor, with expertise in the relevant field, who is fully responsible for further handling the manuscript.

Upon a proposal of the Editor, the Editor-in-Chief decides on acceptance/rejection of the manuscript.The Editor seeks advice from experts in the appropriate field – referees. Authors are requested to suggest five persons competent to review their manuscript. However, the final selection of reviewers is exclusively the Editor’s decision.

The authors’ names are revealed to the referees (reviewers), but not vice versa. If the Editor decides that the manuscript needs to be revised, the authors are obliged to prepare a letter, in which they react to fundamental reviewers’ comments.

The publisher and the owner of the journal is the Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. In addition to online publishing, we also offer print copies of the journal.

Manuscript layout

The manuscripts (MS) should be written in English, well-arranged, not exceeding a maximum extent of 20 pages, including tables and figures. The authors are responsible for the quality of the text, MS written in poor English will be returned. Please send an electronic version of the MS (an e-mail attachment) as a Microsoft Word file (DOC, or RTF format, A4 format, font Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 lines, standard margins 2.5 cm on each edge of the page) together with all figures and tables (each on a separate sheet) to the editorial office. Avoid hyphenation, do not define the styles and paragraphs. Do not use either spacing or tabulator for beginning a paragraph. Add automatic continuous line numbers. The authors are requested to submit MS that have not been, nor will be, published elsewhere. This fact should be explicitly stated in a cover letter. The cover letter should also detail what is being submitted. When submitting a revised paper, authors are obliged to send a copy of the revised manuscript with tracked changes or other marks and a clean copy of the revised manuscript.

An original scientific paper should comprise: 1. The title. 2. The author’s (authors’) name: full first name and family name. 3. Address: complete address and email address of corresponding author. 4. Abstract: in one paragraph, without references to tables, figures and literature, not exceeding 15 lines (900 characters). 5. Key words (maximum 6). 6. Introduction. 7. Materials and methods. 8. Results. 9. Discussion (or Results and discussion). 10. Conclusions (optional). 11. Acknowledgement. 12. References. Names of chapters and names of subchapters must be written after omission of two lines and one line, respectively, in bold font and aligned to the left edge.

In the manuscripts, it is necessary to use SI symbols. Non-integer numbers should be provided with a decimal point, (e.g. 1.7, not a 1,7), the thousands (with exception of years) are separated with a comma: 5,600. The variables in mathematical formulae and expressions should be written in italics, the symbols for functions and constants in the normal font, the matrices in bold capitals, the vectors in bold small letters. The SI units – recommended rules of writing: 10%, 10 °C, 10 μL, 5–15 mg g–1, kg m–1 s–2, 1,200 m asl, Pa, mol. The components of numerical expressions should be separated by spaces, e.g., p. 5–15, 19–23 July 2009, y = x + 1, p < 0.05. Latin names of genera, species, sub-species and varieties are written in italics, the name of the author of the description (or his abbreviation) normally: e.g. Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758), Lymantria dispar (L.), Abies cephalonica Loud. var. graeca (Fraas) Liu. The names of cultivars are written normally, e.g. Olea europea L. cv. Chalkidikis. Taxon and syntaxon names are written in italics. All the tables and figures must be referred to in the text: Table 1, Tables 2–4, Figs 2–4.


The reference style used by the journal will be applied to the accepted article. Note that missing data will be highlighted for the author to correct. Use of DOI is highly encouraged.

Literature citations

The literature cited in the text should conform to the following patterns: one author – Wang (2013) or (Wang, 2013), two authors – Spitzenberger and Engelberger (2014) or (Spitzenberger and Engelberger, 2014), three and more authors – Lauko et al. (2013) or (Lauko et al., 2013). More than one work written by the same author is to be distinguished with small letters appended after the year: Novák (2016a, 2016b).

Reference list

The list of literature cited in the text of article (ordered alphabetically and according to the publication year) is placed on the last page. Latin names of genera, species and sub-species cited in the list of references are to be written in standard type. The titles of each article must be cited in the original language appended by an English translation (in square brackets). Titles in languages not using the Latin alphabet should be transliterated keeping with the British Standard 2979 (in the case of the Cyrilic e.g. ж = zh, х = kh, ц = ts, ч = ch, ш = sh, щ = shch, ю = yu, я = ya).

Work in a periodical

Goudie, J.W., Parish, R., Antos, J.A., 2016. Foliage biomass and specific leaf area equations at the branch, annual shoot and whole-tree levels for lodgepole pine and white spruce in British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management, 361: 286–297.


Hartvig, P., Vestergaard, P. (eds), 2015. Atlas flora Danica. København: Gyldendal. 1230 p.

Book series

Hemming, E., Heuvelink, E. (eds), 2012. Proceedings of the VIIth international symposium on light horticultural systems. Wageningen, the Netherlands, October 14-18, 2012. Acta Horticulturae, 956. Leuven: ISHS. 663 p.

Work published in a book or in a proceedings

Gärdenäs, A.I., Ågren, G.I., Bird, J.A., Clarholm, M., Hallin, S., Ineson, P., Gömöry, D., Paule, L., Longauer, R., 2015. Geografické trendy genetickej premenlivosti lesných drevín v Karpatoch [Geographic trends of genetic variety of forest trees in Carpathian Mountains]. In Lukáèik, I., Sarvašová, I. (eds). Dendroflóra strednej Európy – využitie poznatkov vo výskume, vzdelávaní a praxi. Zvolen: Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 2015, p. 19–29.

Sytnyk, S., Lovynska, V., Kharytonov, M., Loza, I., 2015. Effect of forest site type on the growing stock of forest-forming species under conditions of the Dnieper Steppe, Ukraine. In Sixth international scientific agricultural symposium “Agrosym 2015”. Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 15–18, 2015. Book of proceedings. Lukavica: University of East Sarajevo, p. 2118–2125.

Web source

Electronic citations require much of the same information as print sources (author, year of publication, title, publisher). However, some extra details are required: provide an accurate access date for online sources (that is, identify when a source was viewed or downloaded [cit. 2017-12-30], and provide the location of an online source (for example, a database or web address).


The tables should be prepared in Word, without vertical grid lines, and submitted on separate A4-sized pages, not included into the text. Use the Times Roman font and the font size 9. Table width should be of one or two text columns (77 and 160 mm) or 235 mm. The tables are to be numbered, each after other, with Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2…). The numbering and captioning should be placed over the table (aligned left), commentaries, if any, under the table. The text in the captions should always begin with a capital letter and should be aligned left. The abbreviations of measured units should be given in round brackets. The tables must be self-explicable. Avoid doubling the information in tables and figures.


Submitted are only high-quality figures in black, in one of the following formats: jpg, png, tif, xls, each on a separate A4 sheet. Avoid three-dimensional graphs, if possible. Please use only shade lining, not shading. The lines must be sharp and the written text must be distinctly readable also after the diminution. Use the Arial font. The font size should not exceed 11, the recommended size is 9. The text in the captions should always begin with a capital letter and should be centralised. We prefer figures to be in the width of 77, 160 or 235 mm. Figures itself and legends within larger figures should not be framed. Figure parts should be identified by roman lower-case letter (a, b, c, etc.). The figures must be self-explicable with readable legend and symbols, without necessity to seek explanations in the text of the MS.


Corresponding author will receive a free copy of the published paper.

Editorial office

Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, ¼. Štúra 2, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovakia, email:, telephone number: ++421 45 5241111.

Calendario de la edición:
2 veces al año
Temas de la revista:
Life Sciences, Plant Science, Zoology, Ecology, other