Alle Bände und Hefte dieser Zeitschrift


Authors who intend submit a paper have to send it in pdf format to the e-mail address (section Algebra and Theoretical Computer Science) or (section Mathematics of Optimization)

Each paper will be thoroughly refereed by one or two international referees. The submitted paper has to:

  1. be in pdf format;
  2. be written in English using the standard LaTeX2e class article.cls;
  3. possibly be without footnotes;
  4. contain in the first page the title, the authors and their addresses;
  5. have an abstract with at most 100 words;
  6. have the form of the references expressed in the style of Mathematical Review.

To assist the referees, a copy of any unpublished reference should be attached.

Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts accepted for publication in LaTeX. The source file must not contain user-defined commands! Figures must be attached in postscript format.

The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.


It is a fundamental condition for publication that submitted manuscripts have not been published, nor will be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication.

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