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Journal of Official Statistics

The Journal of Statistics Sweden
Uneingeschränkter Zugang

Joakim Stymne (Statistics Sweden)

Editorial Board/Editors in Chief
Suad Elezović (Statistics Sweden)
Lilli Japec (Statistics Sweden), chair
Henri Luomaranta-Helmivuo (Statistics Finland)
Yingfu Xie (Statistics Sweden)
Li-Chun Zhang (Statistics Norway)

Bengt Kopp (Statistics Sweden)

Book Review Editor
Alina Matei

Associate Editors
Andridge, Rebecca. The Ohio State University, USA
Bacchini, Fabio, Italian National Institute of Statistics, Italy
Baffour, Bernard, Australian National University, Australia
Bakker, Bart, F.M. VU University Amsterdam and Statistics Netherlands, the Netherlands
Bates, Nancy, A. U.S. Census Bureau, USA
Berzofsky, Marcus, RTI International, USA
Bijak, Jakub, University of Southampton, UK
Cantwell, Patrick J., U.S. Census Bureau, USA
Cappelli, Carmela, University of Naples, Italy
Chauvet, Guillaume, ENSAI, France
Chipperfield, James, ABS, Australia
Chun, Asaph Young, U.S. Census Bureau, USA
Cohen, Michael P., Consultant, USA
Dagum, Estela B., Consultant, USA
Dalén, Jörgen, Consultant, Sweden
Dalla Valle, Luciana, University of Plymouth, UK
De Leeuw, Edith D, Utrecht University, Belgium
Di Iorio, Francesca, University of Naples, Italy
Domingo-Ferrer, Josep, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
Edwards, Teresa P., University of North Carolina, USA
Elliott, Duncan, Office for National Statistics, UK
Eltinge, John L., U.S Census Bureau, USA
Elvers, Eva, Statistics Sweden, Sweden
Holmberg, Anders, ABS, Australia
Karlberg, Martin, Eurostat, Luxembourg
Karlsson, Sune, Örebro University, Sweden
Kott, Phillip S., RTI International, USA
Krsinich, Frances, Ministry of Business, New Zealand
Liang, Yuli, Örebro University, Sweden
Marker, David A., Westat, Inc., USA
Matei, Alina, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Meinfelder, Florian, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Germany
Mulry, Mary, H. U.S. Census Bureau, USA
Nyquist, Hans, Stockholm University, Sweden
Ranalli, Maria, University of Perugia, Italy
Ribe, Martin, Statistics Sweden, Sweden
Sakshaug, Joe, IAB, Germany
Salgado, David, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Schierholz, Malte, Germany
Schouten, Barry, Statistics Netherlands, the Netherlands
Si, Yajuan, University of Michigan, USA
Smith, Paul, University of Southampton, UK
Ståhl, Olivia, Statistics Sweden, Sweden
Thompson, Jenny, U.S. Census Bureau, USA
Tzavidis, Nikos, University of Southampton, UK
Wagner, James, University of Michigan, USA
Zanutto, Elaine L., National Analysts Worldwide, USA


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Zeitrahmen der Veröffentlichung:
4 Hefte pro Jahr
Fachgebiete der Zeitschrift:
Mathematik, Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik