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Before submitting the manuscript, we strongly recommend the authors to study the article submission guidelines and comply with these requirements.

Editorial Policy

To be published in the journal applicants should use the following template.

Articles should be from 3000 words in length. Articles are normally between 4000 and 6000 words long, but longer articles will be accepted if the topic demands this length.

All submissions should be formatted in the following way: typewritten in 11 Times New Roman, double-spaced, no page numbers, no page breaks, and with no tables or figures included within the text. Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word format.

When submitting an article for consideration, it is suggested to arrange it in several separate files: 1 ‒ Title page, 2 ‒ Main text of the paper, 3 – duplicate all graphic and illustrative materials and formulas in formats that can be edited (for example, Excel).

Please submit papers via mail or

The payment for the scientific editing of the article is 1500 UAH according to the official exchange Rates by NBU. The payment does not depend on the size of an article. The journal is double-blind peer reviewed.

Copyrights policy

Author transfers copyright to the journal by means of Creative Commons BY 4.0 license

Open Access License

This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license. Authors who publish with this journal retain all copyrights and agree to the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.

Open Access Statement

The journal is an Open Access journal that allows a free unlimited access to all its contents without any restrictions upon publication to all users.